Chapter 6

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Nebula's POV

It's been almost two hours since I phoned Hailey. Javk must be worried out of his mind. I had totally forgotten about that.

After my little pity party at Zeke's I asked him to send for my clothes so I could go home. He forced me to eat the food first before leaving, but I insisted that he joins me.
After we were done and I was already dressed he offered to drive which I politely refused but he insisted.

Besides it's not everyday you get Chauffeured by a hot sexy resemblence of a Greek god. We are currently in his Porsche with him driving. I am dressed the same way as before with my hair in a messy bun.

He had added on a shirt that matches with his grey sweatpants he had on already. The shirt clung to his forams like second skin accentuating his biceps.

His hair was a bit shaggy and messy like he had ran his fingers through it a couple of times. It made him look boyish.

The car ride was silent at first till he decided to break it.

"So you are a senior at the WinterFalls High School, correct?" he asked.

"Yap. Sure am." i answered turning my head to face him.
"Are you an only child?" diverting his eyes from the road toward me. But I averted mine quickly because no matter how much I would like drown in their blue depths I don't wanna die yet.

"Eyes on the road Zeke." I said, making him chuckle. I remained silent for a moment then answered his question.

"No I'm not an only child. I'm the last born. I've got two older brothers they're twins but totally different."

"Jack and Will." I finished, smiling at the thought of my brothers. Even though I should be busy thinking of excuses for my silly mistake.

"Jack? You say?" he asked.
" Jack as in Jack Brooklyn?"
" Just Brookes. And yes that Jack." I answered the same smile still plastered on my face.
" You know him? " I inquired.

If ge knows my brother then it's going to be easy talking to him. Seeing as he's the hardest nut to crack.
At least I wouldn't have been with a stranger to them for more than ten hours.

"Yeah. I know him alright. He's the one that owns that gallery down town right?"
"Yeah thats him." I drawled lazily.

"So are you guys friends, or acquaintances, or maybe used to be school mates?" I asked.

"Naah.. None of the above. Quite the opposite actually. Our relationship is uh, um, how do I put it, oh yeah it's horrible. We hate each other's guts. Well he does anyway." he finished.

Shocking me. With the facial expression he's wore on his face while talking about him I'd say my brother disgusts him.

" What.. Why? Why do hate him? He's like the sweetest person ever." I said.
No sooner had I finished my sentence than the car screeched to a halt making my head fly and meet with the front of the car.

"Ow!! The hell is wrong with you dude! You trying to kill me huh! Jesus!" I yelled rubbing the side of my head.

"Relax you're not dying on my watch. Of course you'll think your brother is 'sweet'. He's your family for Pete's sake. Its natural you'd feel that way." He said. I did not miss the way he put air quotes on sweet.

"As for me he is the opposite of sweet. And I highly doubt he'll be ecstatic to see the two of us together." He pointed out, lookin at me.

"Come here, lemme have a look." He said when he saw me still rubbing at the side of my head.

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