Chapter 19

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"It has been eight long fucking years!" I snapped at my lifelong friend and consultant in most of my business transactions.

"Calm down man, alright!" He said as he moved to pour himself a glass of whiskey from the mini freezer in my office. He poured me a glass as well then proceeded to hand it to me.

"Do not tell me to come down Diego! We have been at this for so long. So long. We almost had it all in that room eight years ago. But his little bitch daughter had to go and ruin everything! Now we do not even have a fucking clue about where the useless tramp or his bastard sons are!" I exclaimed.

I knew it was not right of me to let my anger get the better of me like that but I couldn't be bothered to give a fuck. My problems just seem to never end.

"Relax bro alright. We almost have them. Just a few more hours and we will know the exact location of where they're hiding. Won't be long now. Just be patient. Do you remember what I always say?" He asked.

"Come on brother. Say it with me..." He coaxed.
"Good things come to those who wait!"
"Good things come to those who wait!" We both said simultenously.

I loosed my tie and downed the contents in the glass in one gulp.

"I have a meeting with the financers in five. Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked.

"Oh definitely. I have a lunch date with Elsie." He said.

"Elsie??? Oh you mean the secretary you're banging. I had no idea it had gotten that serious." I said winking.

"Yes that Elsie. You know what...fuck off. Let me get going before you ruin my mood too." He said.

"Aren't you a bit too old to be going on dates like a fifteen year old?" I asked just to rile him up. "What's next? You going to ask her to prom?" I teased as I broke into a fit of chuckles.

"Fuck you bro. I'm going now. Good luck with in your meeting. Show those bastards whose boss alright? I'll let you know as soon as I find any new intel on our runaway family." And with that he took his suit coat from my couch and swang it over his shoulder as he reached for the door and left me to my own thoughts.

Two hours later my meeting with the financers had come to an end and I was finally glad to be back in the safe haven that was my office.

Thinking about the shit load of problems that stupid man had left me had me boiling with rage. I was literally swimming in debts.

This was not a good look on me. And when the press even got a whiff of this my whole career would be over before I could even blink.

Those useless bastards were like sharks in a tank swimming patiently and appearing nonchalant until you dipped your cut finger into the water and they smelled the blood. They would devour you in seconds.

I cannot let that happen. I could not let it happen. I had come way to far for it to end like this. If he had just agreed to the merge of our companies in the first place,  none of this would have had to happen.

But he just left me no choice. My company was on the brink of bankruptcy and he had the means to help me back up on my knees yet he was not willing to.

Diego had called me just before I left the conference room. He had found them. After all this while, we finally found them. I was a bit skeptical at first on how I would approach the matter until the opportunity served itself up on a silver platter.

Looking at the picture of the ten year old boy on the picture frame on my office's desk, I was almost sorry to have to do this. Almost.

Before I could guilt myself out of it, I took out my phone and called the only person that was going to be a very critical piece in this game.

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