Chapter 40

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I ran after them. Not really knowing what to do.

I just hoped Nebula was fast enough to outrun it. God, I did not want to think of the opposite.

Note to self; "Never tell the girl to do something! She will do the OPPOSITE!!"

Finally, a tree came into view. Quickly, I shouted to Nebula to climb it. And for once I just prayed she listened this time round.

She got hold of the lower branches and pushed herself up managing to position herself on the branch on top.

Wow! Who would have guessed the girl could run and jump like that?

She sat on the branch as she clutched on the bark of the tree for dear life. The dog frantically paced below, trying futilely to get to her.

Just as I started approaching the dog cautiously, with a very large stick in hand, I didn't even know what I was going to do with it. A woman ran towards where we were, yelling at the top of her lungs.

She didn't look much older than us.

"Blue! No! Come back here this instant!" She exclaimed. I guessed blue was the name of the dog.

"Blue! Come here boy!" She called for the second time. The dog turned its attention from my woman to the other lady upon hearing its name.

"Oh my God! I am terribly sorry about this. He's usually not like this most of the time."

"Most of the time? Lady, your dog almost gutted me!" Shouted Nebula from the tree.

"I understand. Just please make sure he's under control. We were lucky this time. Next time we might not be." I said in a much calmer voice.

"Definitely. He's just a little bit under the weather and I just took him to the vet. I would like to think that his aggressive behavior is just a side effect of his medicine." She explained.

"Well just get it under control!" Nebula said. Still perched on her position on the branch.

"Ignore her." I said to the woman.

"You know you can come down now right?" I asked, turning my attention to Nebula.

"Uh-uh. I am not climbing down from here until that canine beast is gone." She replied.

"I am ao sorry about her behavior. She hasn't taken her pills yet." I said, looking at the other woman.

"I understand. I am sorry too. Well that said, I think it's best I be on my way then. You folks have yourselves a good night." She greeted.

"Definitely! Likewise!"

Once she left, Nebula stayed perched on the tree for some more minutes just to really make sure she was indeed gone.

"Not taken her pills? Really? That was the best you could've come up with?" She asked.

"Sorry not sorry." I replied. "Now come. We still have places to go and the night is still young." I said.

"Right. Just give me some time to get down from here. How the hell did I even get up here?" She thought out loud.

"Just jump. I'll catch you." I said.

"What! Huh I am starting to think that maybe you're the one who skipped those pills." She said.

"Nope. I'm serious. Jump!"


"Come on, Sunshine! I won't let you fall I promise!"

"Very reassuring after I was nearly maimed by that canine beast! Are you sure we can't just finish this date up here? The view is to die for!" She insisted.

"No! Get down right now! I will not ask again!"

"Jesus! Calm down dude. Don't you have your balls shoved up your ass! At least sweet talk me, but no, just yell at the damn damsel in distress!" She mumbled incoherently as she carefully started getting down.

"Careful!" I exclaimed. I held her by her waist once she was almost down. But the woman pushed me away making me chuckle. I had my hands full and I knew it.

"Now what's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing!" She answered curtly as she started making her way to where we had come from earlier.

"Sunshine? Come on!" I exclaimed as I jogged to catch up with her.

"It's not nothing what is it?" I asked once I reached her. I cupped her face as I stared into her eyes.

"Can we just go?" She insisted.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong.

"Nothing is wrong!" She exclaimed.

"We're not moving from here until you tell me what is bothering my Sunshine." I said as I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I don't want to sound petty. It's stupid anyway so let's just drop it alright?'

"No. There's nothing that you'll say that will make me think you're being petty. Hey, hey look at me. You can tell me anything, you know that right?" I asked.

"I saw the way you were looking at that woman." She said in a small voice.


""Why were you looking at her like that? Huh? Or did you think I wouldn't notice?" She asked as she hit my arm not so smoothly.

"Were you flirting with her?!"


"Hey, woman, stop!" I exclaimed.

"Were you flirting with her?" She repeated.


"No. How could you even make that out, from all the way up there?"

"Oh so you admit it?"

"What, no. I'm not admitting anything because it's not true!" I said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I was not flirting with her!"

"But you were looking at her. I saw you. Don't even deny it."

"What did you expect me to do? We were talking! Did you want me to look at her feet?" I asked. "God!"

"Why are you yelling?! So you think you can yell at me now?" She asked tears filling in her eyes.

Great! Now I made her cry!

"Oh come on sweetheart. I promise you I wasn't flirting with her."

"But you yelled at me." She said, sniffing.

"I'm so sorry baby. I will never do that again. Do you think I have the heart to look at another woman the way I look at you?" I questioned.


"My eyes are for you and you alone! Don't you know that already by now?"

"I don't want you to ever think of that again. Never." I placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. Do you forgive me?"

"Not until you buy me more ice cream." She said.

"Done. Anything else your highness?"

"Hmm, I don't know. A yatch sounds nice right about now!"

"Yeah right. Why don't I just get you the entire pacific to go with it?" I asked rhetorically.

"Don't test me. Comw on let's go get that ice cream."


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