Chapter 7

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Suddenly all words died at my throat. It felt like the temperature in the lobby had risen a thousand degrees.

Jack's anger is not anything I would wish on anyone to encounter. I felt a trail of sweat running down my forehead. And just when I was about to speak Jack beat me to it.

"Nebula Caridad Brookes, I want you in that elevator in the next five seconds or so help me God I will..."

"You will what?" Zeke cut in. Oh boy. Oh boy. Okay this could turn out really bad if I don't fucking do something.

"Zeke no. Please don't. This is not the time nor place okay." I turned to face him as I tried reasoning with him.

"I.. I think it's better if you just left us for now. Thanks for everything you've done for me." I said.

His eyes moved from me to Jack then back to me again.
"Go. I promise I'll be okay with him. He is angry, yes, but he won't do anything that'll hurt me. He's my brother remember." I added.

"Kitty, time to go." Will spoke for the first time since I've seen him today.

The ambience of the lobby was so thick with tension. I looked at Zeke who was still standing next to me protectively.

I wonder what or who he's protecting me from. If we were under different circumstances I would say something like 'man that's so hot' it is though. Just looking at him standing there in his sweats and tee looking menacing as he continues to stare daggers at my brothers would make any girl happy that they have someone like that by their side.

Not the time Be. I shook my head to clear my head. He's already done so much for me and we only met yesterday.

As if he could sense my eyes on him he turned his head and our eyes met. I don't know if it was something in my eyes that made him listen to my plea but I was greatful when his face softened to a more resigned look.

He turned to me fully and leaned his head close to my ear. Dang this man just keeps poking the hornets' nest.

"I'll call you tonight." he whispered, then he kissed my cheek and walked away towards the exit leaving a stunned me and an equally if not more stunned Jack and Will.

I felt like I had been electrocuted by just him pecking me. I wonder what would happen if we do actually kiss. Wait. Hold up. Why am I thinking about us kissing anyway.

"Nebula elevator. Now!" Will repeated sternly. "And the two of you better follow suit." He added referring to Hailey and Tiff.

Jack had been uncannily quiet since his outburst with Zeke. And I on the other hand was trying my best to stay out of his line of sight.

I walked past him not sparing him a single glance and quickened my steps as Hailey, Tiffany and I scurried to the elavator. I vaguely saw Tiff waggling her eyebrows at me but I didn't pay heed to her.
This was just not the time.

Once inside, I didn't even bother turning around to face them. But through the reflective surface in the elavator I saw their reflections as they made their way towards us.

Next thing I heard was the elevator's doors closing and felt the lift go up. I put my arms around myself as I tried not to think about the things that awaited me once we got to the rooms.

It didn't work. All I could think about was how angry my brothers were at me. So I decided to think about Zeke instead. Yeah I know wrong time, wrong place but eh its better than the former thoughts.

My thoughts travel back to when I was at Zeke's house. I wished more than anything to go back to this morning. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

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