Chapter 12

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"Hear what?" Asked an all too familiar voice as the door flew open.

The door flew open revealing Jack and Hailey. A few seconds later Will, Theo, Ryder and Lisa appeared at the door way too.

"Great now everybody's in my room. Thanks to you a$$hole." I rolled my eyes at Tiff.

Theo, Ryder and Lisa all had impassive looks on their faces like they were ready to fight off any threat against me. Funny isn't that what they're paid to do?

"We heard noises, is everything all right? And what's that I'm not supposed to hear about?" Jack inquired.

I crossed my hands over my chest and glared at Tiffany wishing my glare would strike her dead, the idiot. She shrugged her shoulders innocently and smirked at me.

"I wouldn't get in the middle of any of this-" Hailey said pointing between Tiff and myself "-if I were you. Hey Will call off your guards would you. They look like they're ready to kill everyone and anyone. And as for the two of you-" she said looking back towards the both of us "-get your asses out of this room and go help Jack with the last preparations for dinner.

Jack get out, Will, you too. Ryder, Lisa, Theo I need you lot to relax all right. As you can see  there is no threat here. We are perfectly safe. Believe me. Now off you go." Finished Hailey.

"Yes ma'am." Ryder saluted, a lopsided grin making its way on his lips as he turned to leave, and was soon followed by his sister and cousin.

"Ahem!" I fake coughed making my brothers look at me. "Aren't you guys gonna leave?" I asked pointing at the door that was still ajar.

"We're gonna. But are you sure you girls aren't hiding anything? Nothing at all?" Jack inquired suspiciously narrowing his eyes at us.

"What? Who? Us? Pff.. Dude if we were hiding anything don't you think the whole hotel would've found out about it?" Hailey asked rhetorically.

"With Tiffany having trouble keeping her mouth shut and all." She added winking at Tiff for added purpose.

"Hey! Rude!!" Exclaimed Tiffany.
My brothers seemed like they were trying their hardest to stiffle there laughter and ended up failing miserably.

"Yeah right. You got yourself a news reporter over there. And she doesn't charge a penny." Will said as he guffawed making me burst out laughing too.

"This is not funny. It is really not my fault that the concept of secrecy never sticked. Besides secrets just make people lie to their loved ones and I prefer being open with everyone. Tiff argued.

Suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. My brothers and I exchanged weary glances. It hurt us deeply to keep this a secret from the both of them. They were our family in all bit blood. We loved them.

"Alright we're leaving. No funny business girls I mean it." Jack warned sternly.

"We promise Jack," we said at once then burst into a fit of giggles.

"Hey Tiff, the next time you feel obligated to 'share' with the rest of the world just head to rhe control room so the whole hotel may hear you via speaker." Will teased and yet again we burst into fits of laughter. All except Tiff honestly I could see the anger flaring from her ears.

"Thats it. I'm calling Aunt Danie!" Oh Fuck!


"She did it! She really fucking did it!" I said disbelivingly as I entered the kitchen to find my brothers still busy preparing dinner while Hailey trailed behind me.

"What happened this time huh?" Asked Will nonchalantly as he washed his hands and dried them using the dish towel.

"YOU!!!" I bellowed. Pointing my index finger at him.
"ME?!" He asked one perfect eyebrow raised. "What the hell did I do?"

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