Chapter 13

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"Don't you two look jaw dropping"

I turned around to find Will casually leaning on my bedroom door, looking nonchalant like he had no care in the world.

"So, care to share what the two of you are up to?" He coaxed. Uh do I have anything I wanna tell him?

"Uh nope. Nothing out of the ordinary no. Why?" I asked.

"Because I just came from the parking lot and guess who I ran into? Zeke." He answered himself seeming casual as if he was stating the weather. Oh boy he's got all my attention now.

And what the hell is Zeke even doing here? He's early. Its not even ten yet.

"Oh but that is not even the best part. Now this is my favorite. Wanna know what his answer was when I asked him why he had 'graced' us with his presence?" Ah geez. I closed my eyes and exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"He said, and I quote 'I am here for Nebula and Hailey.'" He answered himself again.

At first the plan was to bring Hailey and Tiffany along so that my brothers won't find out about the real agenda here but Tiff unfortunately woke up with a cold so she's staying home. I almost feel bad going out and leaving her behind. Almost.

"Kitty, I thought we had an agreement. I know what you're planning to do so I won't even try to warn you not to. I know you've already made up your mind so I would just be wasting my breathe. Butbif you really care about that boy, stay away from him. Before Jack makes you." He said firmly.

I stood from my chair and made my way towards him.

"I'm gonna give you guys a moment." Said Hailey as she excused herself and headed for the bathroom.

"Will there is nothing going on between Zeke and I. I promise you." I started. "He's a good guy, and honestly I don't even understand why you and Jack don't like him."

"I don't hate him." He said. As if that is supposed yo explain everything.

"Oh and you expect me to just believe that?"
"Listen, I meant what I said Kitty,  I do not hate your boyfriend. I am just being cautious here. Its not him I dispise. Its his father." He finished. Making me stare at him like a doe caught in headlights. Uh what!

"His dad? What's his dad got to do with anything? You know what never mind. Can I go or not?" I asked point blank. No need to fuc around. He already knows might as well be direct with each other.

"Look Will, I can't all right. I cannot live like this any longer. I feel suffocated. I cannot go on living in fear of my life. I am so fucking tired of walking on eggshells my whole life. Being on high alert for any ambush at every fucking corner. Walking around school with freakinh bodyguards on my tail.

I am sick and tired of it Will. I just want to be free. I want to fall in love and b loved back. I want to go on stupid dates with stupid guys.

I want a house, children, a freaking chihuahua I don't know. I just want to be free of all this shit. Why can't I b free Will why?" I cried. "Tell me! Why are you fucking silent?!" I shouted. I knew  at this point my make up was probably ruined.

I shouted as I came and stood in front of him as I looked him in the eye. He closed the distance between us and put his hands around me for an embrace.

He hugged me so tightly that I could hear the steady rhythmic beat of his heart.

"Ssh" he coaxed. "Its okay. I know this is hard for you. But it is, for all of us. I wish I could make that asshole disappear from our lives for good. But I can't, however much I wish to. I cannot make it happen.

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