Chapter 23

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"I missed you, Daughter," She said.

"Hello, Mother." I answered. "I'm sorry to say, but the feeling is not mutual." I said, making Jack smack his head and Will shake his in, disbelief.

In my defence, she had told me once never to lie to her again. So why are they acting up over what I just said? Agh make up your mind people!

"Hmm, pleasant as always I see. You really are my daughter." She said then giggled. She giggled! Like a freaking five year old!

"Well then, I am doomed!" I replied.

"Watch your mouth with me young lady. I am still very much your mother." She said curtly.

"And sadly I did not have a choice with that either!" Wow! I really do have a death wish!

She eyed me one more time then turned around and sauntered to where Tiffany was perched on the couch.

"Tiffany dear, how are you feeling? I came as soon as I could after you called me. I trust my Daughter has been looking after you?" She asked as she sat beside her and put her hand over her shoulder.

"No aunt Danie, you should not be near me right now. I would not want you to catch whatever this is." Said Tiffany. Her voice had slightly changed and became deeper now that she had a blocked nose.

"Oh and don't worry yourself. The guys have been taking good care of me." She finished. Well it was technically the truth, but did she have to say it?

"The guys you say? What about my daughter? Was she not here to look after you?" Mother persisted.

"I mean she brought me some meds so that does count does it not?"

"Oh she did!" Exclaimed mother. Sarcasm dripping from every syllable. "Dressed like that!?" She asked. I knew it would come to this. I looked at Jack at made a face that I hoped said I-told-you-so. But he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Um Mother, you must be tired from your journey. Please come. We made dinner. And your room is ready with a hot bath waiting for you just like you like it." Hailey intercepted. She had also grown to call her Mother over the years and I must say she does seem to enjoy it.

And no I am not jelous. Not even in the slightest. Yeah right! Keep sayin it till you believe it! Shut up!!

"Oh Gracias Hailey sweetheart. Please do teach my daughter a thing or two would you? She needs the lessons." And with that she sauntered off into the dining room with Will at her side as she held on his arm.

"Sorry about that Kitty." Hailey apologized.

"Nope. I should be thanking you. I had a comeback already cooking in my brain." I answered through clenched teeth.

"Go easy on her would you. She's still your mother." She said.

"Yours too." I answered.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah. Whatever. Lets go get this over and done with. I just want to get into the bath in my room and enjoy the wine and a book in my hands." I said.

"Oh sure. As long as it is a party for two." Hailey added.

I scoffed. "You keep wishin girly." I answered as I started walking to where the others were.

"You two better not leave me out of that plan." Spoke Tiffany.

"Bitch you're sick. All you will be doing is, takin a shower and heading straight to bed." Said Hailey with finality.

"But..." Started Tiff and was immediately cut off.

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