Chapter 36

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Still at the Picnic Date
Nebula's POV
I began rubbing myself against him. I needed him. I needed him so bad.

He pulled in a shuddered breath and groaned.

"No. Don't do that!" He begged. I immediately stopped. Albeit begrudgingly.

"Why?" I hated how my voice came so breathless and needy. God I needed to get a grip.

Since when have I been one to throw myself at men. Hot or not, this was not me. Or maybe I really was drunk.

I had had a few sips. Maybe I was tipsy.


That was the case. Otherwise I wouldn't be rubbing myself on him like this.

"Because I'm not sure I'll be able to hold myself back." He said equally breathless.

"Then don't." Was all I said before my lips descended on his.

My hands went behind his head as my fingers pulled at his black curls.

His hands were like steel bands around me as he held me to him protectively.

I started rubbing myself against his groin again making him groan in my mouth.

I took the chance and deepened the kiss as my tongue delved inside his mouth and tangled with his.

"I want to feel you!"

"I want to taste you!"

"I want your juices in my mouth as I devour you whole!"

I want to feel you on my tongue as you brand me as yours, body and soul."

He said breathlessly then connected our mouths again.

His words did nothing to extinguish the fire that he had started within me. I was not so sure whether I wanted it put out either.

For the first time in years I had started to feel alive. He made me feel alive.

He reversed our positions as he put me down gently underneath him on the blankets as he held himself above me.

He kissed my neck and made his way down slowly to my breasts.

He sucked on one tight nipple through the fabric of my flimsy outfit. The action made my arch my back invouluntarily.

"Oh damn!" I breathed out.

"I need this gone!" He whimpered.

I loosened the knot on my back and it came undone. Zeke trailed the material with his eyes then he caught it between his teeth and yanked it.

Once I was free of it completely, he tossed it aside somewhere, needless to say I didn't bother looking where.

Once my chest was fully exposed to him, I bit my lip nervously as I suddenly felt self conscious of my body. I was about to wrap my arms protectively over myself when he stopped me mid motion.

"No! I want to see you. I need to see you!" He said lowly.

"God you're so beautiful. He said as his eyes moved from my chest to my eyes as he wanted me to read the truth from him. And I believed him.

"Tell me if this is okay?" He moved his head to my right breast as his hand kneaded and pinched at my left one. He took the rosy bud in his mouth and sucked.

His tongue lapped on the tip playfully, eliciting a throaty moan from me.

He toyed with the nipple in his mouth as his hand worked with the other at the same time.

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