Chapter 43

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I could feel it had gotten closer somehow due to the heat coming from its body.

Who knew I would feel warm on my last minutes on earth?

The next thing that I felt that completely shocked me was when the animal touched my waist!

I wanted so badly to turn around but resisted the urge to. The warm tingling sensation on my skin suddenly disappeared only for it to appear again lower. On my ass!

What the hell was going on?! The animal was a pervert?

God I really must be hallucinating. I must have been under some really strong stuff then. I wonder if it has got something to do with Vince!

"Listen Mr Animal, which ever you are! I have no idea what is really going on, but I am not one of your species. So whatever you're trying to do, don't!" I muttered under my breath.

"Well thank the heavens I'm one of your species then." Said an all too familiar voice.

"Gah!" I shrieked as I turned around abruptly as I let my fist swing free and it landed on his stomach.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled.

"You fucking scared me, Jesus! I literally thought I was going to die!" I finished as I put a hand on my forehead.

"Well, I'd say the wild life ought to be more afraid of you than vice versa." He started.

"Damn I forgot how powerfully you could throw a punch. I think you broke a few things." He said still bent over.

"What the heck are you even doing here, I thought I had told you to leave me the fuck alone!"

"And I thought I told you that was not going to happen, Sunshine!"

"Well then this is going to be problem!" I sneered.

"Nope. It won't be if you just do as I say and follow me back to the car!" He replied.

"I will not go anywhere with you." I countered as I crossed my hands over my chest and raised my chin haughtily and stubbornly.

"Why do you have to be so difficult, woman!" He groaned. He looked like he was on the verge of exploding. Like he didn't know what to do with me. I almost laughed out loud at the thought.

"Why do you breathe, man!" I scoffed.

He turned his gaze to me as he stared at me unblinkingly. His blue blue eyes looked as if they could see to my very soul.

I was left speechless by the emotions I could see swirling in just his eyes alone.




But most importantly, Love!

There was love as he looked at me.

His eyes moved from my lips then back to locking gazes with mine. But I didn't miss the tiny flick of his tongue over his lips as he wet them.

I'm dying to kiss you too!


I won't push you away this time! Just please touch me!

The voice in my head all but said. I was having an inner turmoil. My heart and my head were at war.

I hadn't even noticed when he had covered the distance between us, as he stood right in front of me.

Our chests were almost touching. The earlier chill I had been feeling had somehow disappeared and been replaced by Zeke's warmth and strong cologne.

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