Chapter 39

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Six years ago
Zeke's POV

It had always been a foreign concept to me. The only love I knew was the one I had for my sister.

And for my best friend. That was before he died. No scratch that, before he was murdered.

I have never allowed myself to feel love. I didn't think I was even remotely able to feel it towards someone else so strongly.

I have never thought I deserved to be loved. Because, my childhood wasn't exactly rainbows and unicorns.

I never went to parks with my mother!

Or play football in my back yard with my father!

It had always been my sister, our nannies and myself. I grew up lacking the parental kind of love.

The affection only your mother was able to give you. It's a crucial part of a child's upbringing.

Once I was finally old enough to comprehend that, my parents were the worst thing that could've ever happened to me, I devoted myself to taking care of my sister.

I filled in, where our parents weren't able to. I knew deep down, Christine hurt.

I saw it in her eyes everyday she saw girls her age being carried on their Father's shoulders as they played together.

She thought I wasn't noticing, but I was. And it broke me deeply.

I resented my Parents for the pain they caused her. That was when I begged them to send her to live with our cousins. At least there, she was taken care of.

My aunt was the sweetest woman I had ever met. She treated Christine like she was hers. And that was what I wanted for her.

I didn't mind staying at home solo. With a submissive woman and a workaholic father.

In fact, it got me to promise myself never to treat a woman the way my father treated his.

I made a choice to always respect the woman whom I'd set my eyes on. Because she would be my one and only. I would treat her with utmost care, because to me she would be as fragile as glass.

She would be my heart, she would have my soul.


But saying it and feeling it towards someone are two completely different things.

Looking at the bombshell of a beauty in front of me, love couldn't possibly explain what I felt in depth.

I was totally consumed by her! Her cheekiness, her bravery, her sense of humor, and don't even get me started on the looks.

But that was only the icing on top. What lay underneath was a whole different story.

She had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. And her laugh, God, she hates, but I thought was cute.

I didn't think it was possible to fall madly in love with someone at first sight. But now I believe.

I had asked her out for dinner. A date. I knew she was wealthy. That was old news. So I didn't want to take her to a fancy restaurant.

I wanted somewhere casual. Simple yet romantic but also with delicious food.

I had picked her up at six after telling her prior to the meet, that she should dress in some comfortable shorts and t-shirt with canvases.

Obviously, they would be in black, as I had presumed. So I wore white. But to my utter surprise, she too wore white.

I drove her to the outskirts of the city to a nice little outdoor restaurant.

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