Chapter 4

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I hadn't realized that my hand was frozen on her zip as we both held gazes.

"Ahem. Uh let's unzip this shall we." I said unsurely as I slid down the zipper gradually.

"Okay now slide them off" I told her gently. After she took them off, I piled them together with her other clothes and put them in the laundry hamper in the room. I would send them to the washer once she's tucked in.

She now stood before me. Almost naked and hot as hell. She was in some white lacy panties that matched her bra. I could not stop myself from ogling her and her biting her lip was not exactly helping me control the sudden hardness of my cock.

She had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were not too big or too small but just the perfect size for her body. And seeing her nipples protruding from her lacy bra cloth made it harder for me to resist the urge of cupping one tight nipple in my mouth and sucking on the other. 

And it did nothing to help with the sudden bulge between my thighs. 

And before I did something we would both regret I helped her in putting on the change of clothes I had brought her before guiding her to bed. 

"Let's get you  to bed." I said as I took her hand and led her towards it. Tingles erupted the moment our skins touched. I wondered if I  was the only one who could feel them.

"Zeke I'm tired." She protested in in almost whiny tone making me stop in my tracks and turn to look at her. I didn't even want to think of how terribly good my name sounded from her lips almost making me fall to my knees just from hearing her say it.

Never has my name sounded so sexy from anyone's mouth. God that mouth. So many wicked things I wanted to do to that mouth. My eyes moved to her plump bottom lip as she licked it with her tongue.

Closing my eyes I squeezed the bridge of my nose with my fingers before opening them once again.

"That is why I'm taking you to bed." I stated flatly. 

"No, that is not what I mean. Uh what I mean is I'm so tired. I don't feel like walking and my legs feel like jelly."

Oh for crying out loud. "You have got to be kidding me!" I smacked my hand on my forehead. 

"What do you want me to do? Carry you!" I can't believe this. Not that I didn't want to touch her or anything but the bed was right there less than ten steps ahead.

"Hey that is not a bad idea at all. You should totally carry me again. I kinda like being in your arms." She slurred enthusiastically hooking both her arms around my neck. 

"We're like ten feet away from the bed Sunshine. It's right there." I said pointing to the bed. 

"You do know I won't badge right?" She said placing a hand on her hip making it pop. Oh man she looks so freaking good in my clothes. 

I almost sure she'll never admit the latter once the alcohol is out of her system.

Drunk Nebular is so fuckin stubborn and damn sexy at the same time. Wonder if that's how she is going to be when she is sober.

I let out a breath, 'fine" putting one hand under her knees and the other one on her back I lifted her up. I walked to the bed and put her on it. I gently pulled the comforter over her and fought the urge to kiss her forehead.

Turning on my heels to leave I immediately stopped when I felt familiar tingles on my lower arm. Facing down I saw her fingers firmly closed on it.

"Look Zeke, I know I've been a real pain in the ass since we met at the bar couple hours ago but please stay with me won't you? Don't leave. I'm scared. I'm so scared of him. He is going to come for me. He won't stop until he finds me.

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