Chapter 46

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Getting back to my usual routine was not easy at all. I had to force myself to stop smiling stupidly whenever I thought about Zeke.

I just could not wait for the day he and Dom would finally meet. The day that the three of us would finally become a family. That's all I have been wanting since the very beginning.

About Tiffany, God I didn't know how much longer I could put up the facade honestly speaking. I told you, being mad at someone always drains me. Plus, I kinda missed my best friend anyway.

I arrived back to the house in Los Angeles one Saturday afternoon with one goal in mind; make things right with Tiffany. I was done with being mad. Besides, I think she learnt her lesson anyway. I had told Hayley I'd be coming prior to my arrival so they would expect me. Given I had not been spending too much time here anyway. It was hard for me to leave Dom.

Besides the fact that she betrayed me even though that's not what she believes, she has been my friend for as long as I could remember. Practically a sister. And whatever the case, my mom always says; Real is rare, fake is everywhere. And if my mother is capable of forgiveness, then who am I not to forgive?

Parking the car in my parking spot in the garage, I lock it and make my way inside. The strong smell of food instantly assaulted my nostrils. I could smell Lasagna, more importantly. I followed my nose all the way to the kitchen where I was met with the unforgettable sight of Hayley in an apron!

And here I thought I had seen it all. I knew my mouth was agape as I approached slowly.

"Do my eyes deceive me?! Or is Hayley West really cooking?" I asked out loud making her turn her attention to me from whatever it was she was chopping. 

"Yeah, yeah! Why does everyone ask that? Is it so hard to believe? I might be a princess on the outside but I am still one on the inside too!" She said, making me arch an eyebrow at what she had said.

"That sounded way cooler in my head." She added.

"Okay you. What are you making? Where's everyone? I expected this house to be swamped with people by now." I said as I made my way to hug her.

"Oh they'll be here soon. Tiffany went to get something. Don't know what. And I missed you dummy." She said as she hit my hand playfully. I bet she thought she did not hit me that hard.

"Hey! That hurt!" I Exclaimed.

"Geez. You're such a baby! That hurt!" She mimicked me. 

"Really? Who's the baby now?" I asked. Rolling my eyes at her.

"Do you need any help over here or can I just sit still and supervise?" I asked smiling with mirth.

"Yeah, no! Here come take these to the table in the gazebo outside. Oh then would you please go call Theo and Ryder. They'll be joining us too. And tell Theo it's an order. You guys need to make peace. You're like mad at everyone except me in this house." She finished.

"I don't think Theo would want to see me, let alone be with me in the same room." I said.

"Yeah. Maybe. I mean, you did hurt him Kitty. I remember telling you that this little adulterous act you both had going on would only end badly. But typical Arya knows what's best." She said.

"Adulterous act?"  I questioned.

"Kitty you're basically married to Zeke. Everyone knows he's your one epic love. Deep down you know you were using Theo to 'try' to get over him. He was like your 'rebound'. You know what I'm saying is the truth."

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