Chapter 17

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"Yes, yes my dear you can ride any bloody thing you want."
He said,  making my bulge my eyes nearly out of their sockets as Zeke choke on his own saliva.

"Well do not keep the old man waitin' my dear. Answer the bloody question!" He emphasised.
"Ride what?" I asked back.

"Them bloody roller coasters! What else would I be referring to except the bloody horses girly! Are you daft?" He inquired worriedly or was it. Huh this old man is really something isn't he. Who knew he had that bizarre sense of humor underneath that fragile exterior. Makes him even more interesting to be around with.

Wait a minute. Did he just call me daft? Whaat!

"What..of course not. I am not...daft." I said my voice was wobbly at the end. Zeke was having a blast at my lack of words. Surely because he knows I can't just answer his Pops back with a sassy comeback of my own? Right? Oh payback is gonna be bitch Zeke you stupidly hot greek god argh! I wish I could wipe that stupid smirk off his stupid head!

Calm down Arya. Calm. Deep breaths. I counted to ten in my head to gain control of my emotions.
"I mean no..I do not know how to ride a horse...yet. But I sure am ready to learn." I said. "I'm a fast learner. I doubt you'll have any issue with me as your student." I finished.

"Huh. We'll see about that now won't we my dear. Now come along both of you. We still have to celebrate you two." He said as he resumed his walk back to the house.

Oh that! I had even forgotten about our fake relationship.
We followed him closely behind, well me that is,  Zeke was by his side making sure he didn't trip on nothing and fall on his face.

We passed by Theo,  Ryder and Gennie and risked a glance at them through my lashes. Theo nodded in acknowledgement but said nothing to which I was grateful for.

We slowly climbed the stone stairs leading to the main door of the building all the while gawking at the emaculateness of it all. The building looked old. At least a good couple of decades may be a century too.

You could tell due to the green leaches and moulds that had grown on the walls of the building on the far side to the left of it. It did not make it look any less  beautiful.

The large glass windows reflected the morning sunshine perfectly giving the house a sparkling look. The front door seemed to be made of hard wood maybe Mahogany. Due to its light glow I assumed it was just repainted.

A set of double doors made up the main door. In the middle of it was a golden door knob. I wondered if it was really gold or coated.

"It is real gold." Zeke had answered when I voiced out my thoughts.

"Don't you people feel a bit insecure knowing that your door knob is made of literal gold? Won't it be stolen?"

"Oh unlikely my dear. I mean look at this place. Well go on then look around." He gestured as he put his hand under my chin to turn my head so I could follow his line of sight.

"We are in the middle of bloody nowhere. This is private property to top it off. Only people who have access or even know about this place are the ones that can come here. And mostly it's the rich people you know, those who are well off who come here to dump their spoiled rotten rich brats that got out of hand."

"Do not get me wrong my dear. Like I said before these kids are family now. I love them like they were my own. But it is always hard for one or the other to get accustomed to this place.
As big as it is, it seems small sometimes when you have at least fifty plus know-it-all tennegers runnin' around." He finished as he turned towards the door and pushed it open.

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