Chapter 41

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Six Years Later
Nebula's POV
"I invite you to have dinner with me. I will accept nothing but a yes. If I don't get a response within the next two hours I will take that as a YES! Put on some shorts."

Love, Zeke.

I fisted the letter in my hands after rereading it for the third time. Who the hell did this guy think he was! He had some nerve inviting me to dinner! Wait wasn't he married! For God's sake.

I twirled around on my office chair as I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Douche!" I breathe out. Calling my PA, I instruct her to set the meetings with the investors as soon as possible.

I arranged the necessary documents and head to the conference room where I the meeting would be. I left Zeke's crampled letter on my table, momentarily blocking him from my mind.
"God that meeting took the hell out of me!" I exhaled sharply collapsing on my chair in my office. Hailey was seated across from me, too noting that same exhaustion.

"I could really do with some Starbucks right about now!" She said.

"Tell me about it. Gosh I'm beyond exhausted." I agreed.

"You know, don't get me wrong, I was just thinking-"

"No don't! I think I know where thus us going. And I'm hating it already!" I interrupted.

"Come on you haven't even heard what I was going to say!"

"Oh I don't need to."

"Well I'm just gonna say it anyways." She shrugged.

"Argh great! Remind me why I'm still friends with you!" I groaned.

"Because you love me." She said smirking.

"Who the hell told you that?"

"Whatever bitch. I think you should accept Zeke's proposal." She said.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm serious. Think about it. We need this. The company needs it. We are at a loss here. This is the only way to guarantee that we don't lay down any workers and still get profits." She reasoned.

I sighed and put my head on my hands.

"I hate it when you're right!" I groaned. "Why do you always have to be right?!"

She chuckled.

"Because I'm older. The older the wiser." She said.

"Pff bitch please! He invited me to have dinner with him. Tonight!" I stated nonchalantly.

"Sorry, what?" She asked.

"Yep. You heard me. He wants to meet me. And he said he expects a yes or a yes. Would you believe the nerve of this guy?" I asked disbelief clear in my voice.

"You and I both know that when Zeke sets his mind on something he doesn't stop till he gets it. So yes the guy's got balls. But I'm sure you know that quite well don't you?" She winked.

"Get out!"

"Girl relax. So what, are you going to go?" She inquired.

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