Chapter 31

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Six years ago

Nebula's POV
"Mother, you asked to see me?" I inquired as I peeked my head through the door of my Mother's room.

"Come in Daughter." Came her curt reply.

I entered and turned around to shut the door behind me. I hadn't even turned around to fully face my Mother properly, before I felt a sharp hot sting on my right cheek.

Goddammit!!! "What the hell!!!!" I exclaimed as I threw my hand up while rubbing at the sting with my other.

"What did I do this time?! You can't just slap me out of nowhere Mother!"

"Because you my dear just can't live without causing some sort of inconvenience can you??! You just had to cause problems for me and your brothers! Do you want to expose us?!

Is that it? Huh! Fucking answer me when I am talking to you!"

Oh geez! It has got to do something with the douche bags I beat up at school. But how the hell did she find out?? There was no one left in the hallway when I had gone back for my phone?

Okay. Okay. Arya. Play stupid. Bad idea! Shut it!!

"What are you even talking about Mother? I did not do anything wrong." I answered.

"Think twice Daughter before you lie to me straight to my face! I hate lies. You of all people should know that!" She muttered lowly.

Argh screw this! 

"You want to know how I found out about your little rendezvous, Daughter?" She asked. And even before I had a chance to reply, she took out her phone and showed me a video of me at school, with the same douche bags. Gosh I looked bad ass standing over Dylan like that.

I was so caught up in my admiration of myself, I didn't hide the smile on my face.

"They deserved that, Mother! They are a bunch of bullies. I just put them in their place." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"I don't care if they are the Devil's spawn themselves! You should not have gotten involved."

"They came at me! What the hell was I supposed to do? Run back to my Mother and bawl my eyes out?!" I exclaimed.

"It's not like you would have cared anyway. I did what I thought was right. And am not sorry. So if that's what you called me here for, to apologize? Then you're going to wait a long time." I told her.

"Oh, I want nothing from you, Daughter. Just your discretion. And you failed at a little task as that." She retorted.

I sighed as I watched her walk over to her vanity and took her seat.

I walked over to her and stood behind her chair as I watched her wipe away her make up.

I get where she's coming from. She was just being concerned about our well being, when I on the other hand, put us in jeopardy at every turn.

Gosh I'm such a mess. I'm not sorry for what I did. I'm just sorry I was caught!

"Mom, I'm so sorry alright? I never meant to get caught! I had no idea someone was recording me. However I'm not sorry I did what I did.

You have always told me never to let people step over me, and that is exactly what I did. Besides, I wouldn't have acted how I did if Dylan hadn't slapped me! I was just defending myself." I finished.

I saw something dark flash over my Mother's face after I had uttered those words. She put down her make up wiper and stood from her chair.

She came around me and stopped in front of me. Her face seemed distant as she eyed me. Her mouth was a bit parted as if she wanted to say something but couldn't get the words out.

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