Chapter 18

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When I was fifteen years old, my mother took me to one of her business meetings in Washington, DC. My brother Jack was away for an exhibition back in New York and Will was, well, to be honest I had no idea where the hell he had disappeared to.

Probably somewhere quiet to paint. Or read. I don't really know. The point is no one was home at the time. Neither were my two friends, they were visiting their families since it was spring break.

My mother had insisted that I go with her so that I could finally familiarize myself with the company. Dad's company.

I begged and begged her that she just let me stay home. She could have easily left me with one of her dozen body guards but, once the woman set up her mind, there was no changing it.

It was like trying to move a mountain. Completely impossible. No matter what you do. In the end I gave in, packed a bag and got on the jet with her and off to Washington we went.

And I was pretty mad at my brothers for putting me in this position. The morons did nothing to assist me. Do not get me wrong. I was willing to jump at any chance at getting to know how the company works, its ins and outs.

So that when the time came for me to step up as the new CEO I would not make a complete fool of myself in front of my employees. Now that would be a big whop.

And I was ready to do it on my own terms. Not being forced into compliance by my dear mother as she hung on every word I breathed and scrutinized every thing I did or touched. Prim and Proper. That was more her style.

She would give me the stink eye everytime a hair fell out of place. And she certainly never loved my dressing style. She wanted me in armani suits for business women. And I have been hell bent on doing the exact opposite of what she wants.

They say like mother like daughter, well I guess I'm not my mother's daughter after all.

We stayed in Washington for about two weeks. I ended up meeting some cool people there. It was never my intention. To make friends knowing that I would not stay long to get to know them better. But still it was nice seeing friendly faces and not serious-business faces that consider smiling a crime.

One girl, Annabelle, whom I had met earlier in the week on my way home after I had vone out with Nathan, talked me into sneaking off to a club with her. She said she knew the club and the people who ran it pretty well so no IDs would be required. I didn't even think twice about it. I jumped at the idea repulsively. Consequences be damned.

Turned out that I was the one who'd be damned.

Annabelle and I had become fast friends since the day we bumped into each other. And I really liked her. She tried to saty in touch with me everyday we stayed in Washington.

I knew mother would not have approved of this behaviour. I guess that was all the more reason I needed to do it. So I did. I left right after dinner when I knew she had retired off to bed and tricked her guards into letting me go.

When she found out, she was beyond mad. I could literally see the steam coming off from her ears. Or maybe I was imagining it. But you get the point.

She did not find out until the next morning when I had gone over board with the partying and forgot to sneak back home while mom was still unawares.

I have never been good at lying. Mainly because I never get my made up story right all the fucking time. Mother always knew how to pick up on the little pieces that did not fit the puzzle.

So that night, I partied like there was no tomorrow. Drank more drinks than I ever had in my life. I was wasted. I was amongst the sea of sweaty bodies as we danced to our hearts content on the dance floor.

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