Chapter 32

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The Present

Nebula's POV
Two weeks had passed since I last saw Zeke at the office building. I had been holed up in Domino's house all this while.

And no, I was not hiding. I was just taking some time off. Away from all my problems for a while. Even though I knew they still awaited me back home.

It was good to pretend for a while that everything was right in the world.

Besides, I would have rather stayed there with Domino than go back home. It had been a nice and peaceful two weeks, save for the endless phone calls which I had been deliberately ignoring.

I was in the backyard enjoying the heat of the afternoon sun when my phone rang for the billionth time that day.

I picked it up begrudgingly and checked the caller ID. I was relieved to find that it hadn't been neither Hailey nor Tiffany. But I was filled with dread at the same time when I saw that it was none other than Mother Dearest.

She was the one person whose call I couldn't ignore. So hesitantly, I accepted the call and pressed the phone to my ear.

"What is this that I hear, Daughter? Why have you not been to work? And for two whole weeks?" She started.

Typical mother. Always goes straight to the point, no time for trivial matters such as greetings. I guess she had no reason to establish rapport with me, considering she knows me inside and out like the back of her perfectly manicured hands.

"Hello to you too Mother. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I answered instead. Sarcasm dripping off every syllable.

"Oh spare me your sarcasm, Daughter and answer my questions! Why have you not been to work!"

I couldn't tell her that my ex was back in town and that I was purposely avoiding him. She hates his guts, especially after what he did.

No. She could not know yet. Not now. She will sooner or later. But I'd rather it be later.

"I was feeling a little under the weather, so I came to Domino's to take a breather." I lied. Well it was half the truth though. So technically it wasn't a lie. Just a half truth.

"You know how I feel about lies, Daughter. So just cut the crap and tell me what is really going on."

I sighed dejectedly and decided to just come clean about everything.

"You know what, wait for me to get there. Then you can tell me everything. Might as well add in some slaps or two to get that head of yours thinking straight." She said.

I chuckled then answered, "sure mom. I love you too. Would you like anything special to be prepared for you?"

"Nothing much. Just have some wine ready for me. I think I'll need it." She finished, making me chuckle again.

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone and got back to what I had been doing.

"So what you're telling me is that Zeke is back? Tiffany knew about it? And he's the company's cherished investor?" Asked mother.

She arrived a while ago. We were lounging at the mini bar in the house as I told her what had gone down.

"Does he know about-"

"God forbid. He does not. At least I hope Tiffany hasn't spilled that little information on him already." I answered her before she could finish the sentence.

"Little? Oh is that what we're calling this whole mess?" She inquired.

"Listen Mother, my head is already hurting me from too much thinking. If you came here to critise me, might as well go back the way came in." I snapped.

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