Chapter 50

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Zeke's POV 

Is he the inside man? I need to make sure. I need to know for certain. If it turns out to be true then Arya is in terrible danger. And If I don't do something right now, I might be too late. I thought to myself. I was back in the office at my house, obliviously going through some paperwork. 

I was really out of ideas on how I was going to keep Arya from attending that Gala. I knew for a fact that he was planning something. And I had a very profound feeling that he would execute his plan on the very day of the Gala.

I knew far too well that there was no way I could persuade Arya otherwise. I understood that she had a reputation to uphold. But that mattered little to me if he was getting this close to her already. 

I had to think of something, and fast. A countermeasure of some sort. And that was when I remembered.

I took my phone out and made a call. I didn't wanna waste any time with trivial matters like greetings. It went straight to voicemail. I tried again.




Where the fuck was he? Argh!!  The one time I needed the bastard!

This was why I was never fond of having to depend on people. Because failure is an inevitable part of life, and so is disappointment. Expectation is the root of all heartache. Life was very much simpler when you did not expect anything from anyone. At the end of the day, the only person I could really count on to get shit done was me.

Even my own father let me down. That was when I realised that some of the most poisonous people are disguised as friends and family. I had to teach myself and Christine, to limit our expectations because life was full of disappointments. And they came in many forms.

I let out a cry of frustration then threw my phone in rage. I watched it fly toward the wall hitting it then falling to pieces on the floor. Even though the sound of it  was a tad satisfying, this wasn't the sound i was craving. The one sound that would truly quench my blazing fury was the sound of his skull breaking under my boot.

"What's all the noise about?" Asked an all too familiar voice. Annabelle.

"I'm really not in the mood right now. So please just leave. Okay!" I said with finality.

"Geez, you're awfully cheery. It's infectious." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Belle." I all but hissed at her. She turned her head as her eyes landed on the broken phone. She let out a huff then morphed her facial expression exposing a confused look. If I wasn't already in love with someone else, I'd think it was actually cute. But my eyes were set on one person alone.

"That's what? The third phone this week? If you really hate the device so much why don't you just stop replacing them since they all end up having a horrific end!" She said as she made herself comfortable at the small grey loveseat sofa at the far corner in my office.

"What happened to you anyway. What's got you on edge?" She asked.

"Nothing you should worry your pretty little head over." She eyed me then crossed her arms over her chest, her demeanour revealing that she wasn't going to back down till I came clean.

"Do not look at me like that!" I said as I turned my head to avoid her gaze.

"There's someone I need to get in touch with. But he's not answering my damn calls. And it's fucking frustrating." I began. "I am also totally confused right now. I have a lot of stuff on my mind, but I can't seem to make head nor tail of anything and it's annoying the fuck out of me!" I vented.

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