Chapter 37

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We laid on the blankets under the starry sky as we soaked in each other's warmth.

It was a silent night save for the ocean as its waves lapped over the rocky terrain and the sea shore.

Zeke had brought out another blanket to cover ourselves with from the slight chill by the sea. I wore my clothes sometime later after our session.

His legs were tangled with mine under the covers as my head rested on his chest. His hand supported his head while the other was like a vice on my waist as he laid on his back.

We had repacked the rest of the food stuff that had remained untouched including the white wine bottle. We had finished the red one some time ago.

It was sometime past ten. We had been talking about ourselves to each other as we enjoyed the mood.

"Tell me something embarrassing that has ever happened to you or you've done, before." Zeke stated as his hand rubbed circles on my exposed arm that laid casually on his chest.

"Hmm. Okay. But you have to promise not to laugh alright." I said sternly raising my head as I said that.

"Do you remember when Hailey said something about my ex not being able to get me to orgasm?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I remember that. It was the first time you made me choke." He teased as he chuckled.

"Hey I told you not to laugh!" I said chuckling myself.

"Yeah so anyway as I was saying, they had gotten me aroused and all but then he got called away urgently before I got my release.

So I did the only thing I could. Seeing as I didn't have my vibrator with me, I fingered myself until I came."

"Now here comes the good part. So I make myself cum, but then immediately after doing so, my ex's friend walks in on me!" I exclaimed.

"What!" Zeke asked equally surprised but mirth was clear in his voice.

"No! Oh my God."

"Yes. I was just frozen on the spot. Because that was a really awkward situation. So I just gathered my clothes and haphazardly ran out of that place." I finished. I was laughing really hard as I recalled the details of that day.

"I have never been more embarrassed in my life. Thank God I didn't know the guy that walked in on me otherwise I would have begged the ground to swallow me whole." I said.

Zeke was equally laughing at me despite my earlier telling him that he didn't.

"Oh my God! You're not serious!" He teased.

"I am!" I answered. We laughed out loud at my unfortunate happenings with absolutely no care that we were disturbing the peaceful silence.

"Hey you were not supposed to laugh!" I said as I jabbed his ribs playfully.

"Forgive me." He murmured. "Who is this guy? I should give him some lessons on how to properly treat a girl." He suggested.

"Girl, actually!" I said embarrassingly.

"Wow! I did not see that coming." Stated Zeke.

"Yeah I know."

"Wait so you're gay?" Zeke asked uncomfortably.

"What, no I'm not. I mean, not anymore. I thought I was. At some point at least. But that was a long time ago. I was barely a teeneger." I rambled.

"Whoa! Relax love! I'm not mad about you being gay. Not at all. If you really were one, then you wouldn't have agreed to come here with me. But if you're still one, then I'm determined to make you straight." He stated confidently.

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