Chapter 8

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Will said. But it sounded more like a promise to himself than to me.

Jack held me close as he murmured sweet comforting words against my ear. Once he was certain that I was calm, he broke our hug and looked at me. He moved some lose strands of my hair from face to behind my ear.

He smiled at me and it was hard not to smile back.
"You guys hungry?" Will asked.
"Famished." I answered for both Jack and I. Well I hoped he was hungry as I was. I wiped my tear stricken face with the sleeves of my turtle neck.

"Uh how about we order pizza?" Will inquired as he looked at us, well, me specifically.

"Nah. I don't feel like having pizza. Hey, I have an idea. How about we head to the hotel across the street and have dinner with the girls there instead of ordering food?" I suggested.

"No can do Missy." Jack refused.
"Wha-why?" I asked confused. I thought we were cool bro?
Of course I said nothing of the sort out loud.

"I'm still mad at you for what you did you know. Going off in the middle of the night without any of us. What were you thinking? Do you know how much danger you could have been in?" Jack asked sternly.

And we are back to this. I really thought he was cool. I didn't expect him to ecstatic or anything but man he can be very difficult sometimes.

Even though his voice was stern it didn't have any hint of anger in it. I guess he's not angry anymore. Just mad.

"But I apologized didn't I? Besides, it wasn't on purpose. You know that now. Plus you know I couldn't refuse when Hailey was the one who suggested the idea.

I couldn't possibly tell her 'oh hey you know what, I'm actually being hunted by some really scary looking guys who want nothing more than to bawl my eyes out for their biometric scan tests so they could steal my dad's fortune, who they killed by the way.

So I can't come with you guys because they might find me. Oh and you know what, my name's actually Arya and not Nebu-"

" Ok we get it. " Will cut in before I finished my rant, smacking his forehead.

" We get it Arya. " He repeated.
" Well you do, but somebody clearly doesn't." I told Will then pointed to Jack with my eyes making him chuckle.

" He'll come around soon enough." Will said.

"Wait. How come you're not mad at me? I mean Jack here, was ready to bite Zeke's head off but you looked totally calm." I asked Will as I took off my boots. I didn't bother taking off my ankle socks due to the cold tiled floor to avoid muscle cramps.

"Who says I'm not mad? I mean I was mad that you left in the middle of the night to God-knows-where but I understand your reasons for doing so. I knew you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our situation or risk everything mom's done to get us where we are just for a one night stand."

He explained. Smirking at the end. Fuck! He did not just..

He just had to say it didn't he. He crossed his arms across his chest faking innocence like he just didn't say what he just said.

I pursed my lips and gave him the stink eye.
"What the hell were you doing with Zeke Donovan Kitty?" Will inquired. Amusement clear all over his face. He's really enjoying this. I on the other hand is having none of it.

"If you slept with that asshole Arya, I swear to God imma kill him!" Jack exclaimed. Immediately my facial expression morphed into one of horror. At least I holed it did.

"Okay. Calm down will you. I didn't fucking sleep with Zeke or anyone for that matter. I'm not some slut going around sleeping with strangers I pick up in clubs you know." I said.

"For his sake, I hope you're being honest." Jack said.
"I am. I swear. Why do you even hate him anyway? I don't get it. Zeke is like the nicest guy I've ever met." I countered.

"Nice! Did you just put Zeke and nice in the same sentence? Dude have you met the guy? Oh sorry of course you have. But still, you don't know him like I do." He finished.

"Funny. He said the same thing about you." I chuckled.

"Well I guess the feeling is mutual." He scoffed.

"Okay you two, I'm gonna order that pizza now." Will said.

I clicked my tongue. "Tsk tsk. Is that what we'll be having for dinner. Are you crazy or what? Mom said no junk food for dinner. Sorry scratch that. She said no junk food. Period!

So either one of you gets behind that counter and cook something healthy or I'm calling mom to come over."

I said holding Jack's phone to emphasize on my little threat as my mouth stretched into a smirk.

Their faced turned horror stricken in less than five seconds making me burst out into a fit of laughter, then bent over and held my stomach as I laughed.

"You seriously had to pull that card?" Jack asked incredulously making me laugh even harder.

"W-what-" I said in between laughters. "-what? It's your fault anyway. You guys are freaking crazy if you think I'll eat pizza. Better get to work or we'll be dining in the company of mom in the next hour." I said after my laughter died down.

"Fine. What do you want to eat?" Jack asked rolling his eyes. Mmhh, how about we have dad's favorite today. Lasagne?" He added thoughtfully. I looked at him with admiration then hugged him.

" I would really like that." I said as I broke away to look at him.

"Okay so do you need help preparing it?" I asked.
"Nah Will and I have it covered. You can head down to the girls. We'll call when everything's ready." Jack said.

I nodded my head and made my way towards the door. I took a pair of addidas slides and slipped the on and left my boots in the shoe rack.

I opened the door and was about to leave when Jack called my name.

" Yeah. Anything else you wanted?" I asked. Raising my brows.
"Just one question." Jack said, taking a couple of steps towards me his hands in his jeans pockets.

"How did you get hold of my phone? Cause I clearly remember putting it in my pocket." He explained.

"Oh yeah. It was in your pocket. But I kind of slipped my hand in and fished it out while we were hugging." I said chuckling.

"Damn girl. You pick pocketed me?" He asked incredulously. Then I heard Will laughing from where he was still comfortably seated at the island.

"She did man. She really did. And right under your bloody nose. Or should I say your ass." He added as he laughed hysterically.

"Hailey taught you that, didn't she?" Jack asked.
"Yap. She did." I answered popping the 'p'.

"Taught her what?" An all too familiar voice asked. Hailey.
Huh speak of the she-devil. She made her way in pulling me back with her.

"Why did you teach my sweet little sister how to pick pockets Hailey?" Jack asked for the umpteenth time today.

If he were collecting a dollar for all the questions he's asked today man he would be swimming in money. Not that we're not already rich but eh whats a couple of dollars more?

Hailey just stood, mouth agape and placed her hand over her chest.

"Who me!? Oh gosh I would never!" She lied shaking her head no and eyes wide open. Clearly faking innocence.

"Yeah we totally believe you." Said Will sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, um Boo Bear, who's the MIB character with the spiky hair outside?" Hailey asked suddenly serious.

"Oh good you two have met already. Thats yours and Nebula's personal bodyguard." Will answered.

My what! What the fuck! Oh gosh no Will you did not just fucking do this.

A/N: re-wrote this chapter twice lol but I did it. Hope you enjoyed.

Don't forget to lemme know what you think in the comments.

Next chapter coming up.


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