Chapter 35

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Six years ago
Nebula's POV
"Oh gosh, what the hell do I wear?" I asked out loud, to no one in particular.

I was in mine and the girls' shared closet but in my side of it as I rummaged through the neatly folded clothes in search for what I would wear to the date.

Zeke had said to keep it light so that was what I was going to do. Finally, after five more minutes of endless searching, I found the perfect outfit.

It was already a quarter to seven by the time I was done putting it on.

Looking back at the mess I had made of our walk in closet, I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and decided I would leave it for one of the girls to come clean up.

Besides, there was no way I could have done it in record time before Zeke had gotten here, so might as well just suffer the earful from Hailey and the side eyes from Tiffany.

At the end of the day, the mess would still be cleaned up. I giggled at the thoughts. I was so high in my Zeke induced stupor to give a damn about anything at that moment.

My date with Zeke was no secret to anyone, including Mother Dearest. I had already made arrangements with Theo and the others to remain as discreet as possible.

And to give me room. Who knows, maybe Zeke and I would bang on the sand. And so I don't want an audience for that. And God help me because I want more than anything to feel him inside me.

Just that thought alone was enough to arouse me. God I needed to get laid. ASAP! My sex deprived body already had enough.

I took my purse and straightened my hair with one last look at the mirror then headed out.

I had decided to not wear any makeup except for some mascara and eyeliner but both were waterproof just incase the date included a dive to the sea.

I didn't want to risk looking like a clown infront of him when my makeup wore off due to getting wet.

I made my way down to the lobby, and thankfully, without getting stopped by anyone on the way. Good! They listened!

I found Zeke already there waiting. I stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw him.

I took in a deep breath then slowly made my way toward him. His tall frame looked so hot just standing there in all his 6"2 height.

He had a pair of blue beach shorts and a button down short sleeved shirt except it wasn't buttoned up, but exposed his lean six pack underneath.

He looked at me as if I were the only female on earth. Like a drug addict who had seen his next fix and was more than ready to devour it.

He was looking at me like he could see underneath the flimsy clothing to what really laid inside. His gaze felt like a lover's caress on a chilly night.

His eyes, the deepest pools of blue, promised me nothing but erotic wickedness. Sheets. And our naked bodies, tangled together under the black coat of night as the stars shined above us.

I was getting hot all over sudden. I clenched my thighs together and tried a smile.

I was nervous. That much was clear. But from the looks of it, so was he. I could tell.

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, then said, "you look amazing!"

I smiled again and pushed my loose strands to behind my ear as I accepted the compliment with a stupid blush.

Gah! What is this man doing to me!!


"Thank you. Uh can we go now before my brothers change their minds and drag me back inside kicking and screaming?" I suggested.

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