Chapter 29

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I stopped in my tracks. My legs nearly gave out from underneath me. I blew out a shaky breath, curling my palms into fists at my side.

Someone really had a death wish. What the fuck is wrong with these people!!

I closed my eyes and took in some much needed air. I needed to relax. I had never been good at dealing with anger. I took that part from my dad's side.

It was either I got a good grip on my emotions, or I would have really hurt her.

"Just leave me alone, Tiff. Okay! Was the stunt you pulled in the office not enough for you?" I asked.

She walked away from where she was in the shadows in the living room and entered the kitchen.

"You're going to have to talk to me sooner or later Kitty. Might as well be now." She said.

"Well later please. I don't have the strength nor will power to deal with your betrayal. I have a lot on my mind right now. So please just leave me alone. Alright?" I said softly as I took my tray of food and started walking away.

She was quick as she came and stood right in front of me blocking my path. I sighed dejectedly. One thing about Tiffany was that she was as stubborn as they came. Honestly a mule is much better than her.

"Please Kitty? Just hear me out okay? And after this if you still don't want to talk to me fine I'll back off, I promise." She said as she took my tray and put it on the island.

"Come sit." She led to the bar stools on the island then took a seat as she gestured for me to do the same.

"Pass me that tray. If we're going to talk about this might as well feed the worms in my stomach." Maybe even have something tangible to throw at your face. Added my inner thoughts.

"So a few days ago, someone contacted me and told me to meet them at the Stake House Restaurant for dinner. They said it was concerning the business and that they had a proposal for us." She started.

I took my bugger and chewed soundlessly, as she continued with her story.

"I had no idea who they were only that I wasn't allowed to know who they were until the day of the meet up. And also saying no was not an option.

So I only told you that we had a willing investor. And I also sabotaged your appointments so that you'd be as busy as hell and tell me to go instead so you wouldn't suspect a thing." She said.

I bit into my burger and took a sip from my milk then turned to face her.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"You can be so annoying do you know that?" She said.

"Well at least I don't stab my best friends in the back!" I retorted.

"I did not stab you in the back!"

"Yes you did! Otherwise you'd have told me immediately you returned from that date of yours with my ex boyfriend!" I said. All the while trying to stay calm. But it was so damn hard every time I thought about them together in some nice little restaurant in a private booth just the two of them.

Perhaps I was being paranoid, I couldn't really give a shit. She should not have lied in the first place.

"Listen, I could not tell you who I met with because Zeke told me not to tell you. Besides it wasn't like he was going to keep his coming back a secret from you! He made an appearance at the conference meeting did he not?!"

"Yes he did! And you made me look like a complete fool in front of him and the others. I am your best friend Tiff! You shouldn't have lied to me. Not about this!"

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