Chapter 20

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STILL UNKNOWN POV (Three days later…)
Warning: Mature content!
I openly probed the woman in front of me shamelessly. Well I have never been one to regret my actions or feel embarrassed in the least. I guess you could say it's never been in my blood.

And that is what has made me efficient at my work over the years.

Once I had gotten all the gory details from Vince, my private detective, I wasted no time in making my move.

I first started by calling Elsie, made her agree to meet up with me albeit a few misshaps but here were. Women! So gullible. Speak the right language and you'll have them grovelling at your feet.

Women are not gold diggers. I learnt that the hard way mind you. It is just that each has her own price. And if you can't top it, well that is when you hit rock bottom.

We were currently at a restaurant in the city, one of the expensive ones mind you. I had to make an impression. And women love to be treated like queens, so why not?

I had made ua reservations at a table that was a bit out of sight from curious prying eyes. This party was only for two.

We had each already ordered our foods and were sipping on wine as we made small talk.

"So, would you really lend me the money?" She asked her big doe eyes gazing desperately at me. She was wearing a blood red dress with really thin straps that had her cleavage almost spilling out. It was like she was begging me to undress her. Not to mention the long slit on her right leg from ankle all the way to her thigh.

Wow. Diefo really does have taste. The woman seemed to be in her mid twenties. Still young and oh very flexible I'll say.

Her pretty little mouth was curved up in a dramatic pout, which honestly made her look even sexier. I would know. I was only forty but I still looked young for my age. That's what the gym does.

"Yes, I would. Do not ask me why. I just have that uh notion to help people who are in need. And you seem to fit the criteria just right."

"And what is it you want in return if I may ask?" She asked as she  bit on her lower lip, making me become hard all of a sudden.

"Simple. I want you to be my mistress!" I stated nonchalantly as I sipped my wine.

"Excuse me, what!" She exclaimed.

"Oh did you not hear me the first time love? I would like you to be my mistress. And you do not have the luxury of turning down my offer I'm afraid. I have already transferred half a million into your account. And you are not allowed to return it." I stated coilly.

"Why would you do that!? You cannot just force me into sleeping with you! No matter what You say, I still refuse. It has nothing to do with the money. I just can't. I'm already in a relationship." She defended.

"Oh I am very much aware of your uh involvement with Diego Ms Fuentes. But let me assure you this, he can give you or offer you nothing as much as I can." I said as I leaned forward to maintain eye contact with her.

"Besides, if you find out about what he did, I am certain you wouldn't want anything to do with him." I finished. She looked at me as if she was contemplating every bit of information I was relying on her.

"What are you talking about?" She inquired.

"How would you like to know, you being fired from your first job wasn't an accident? That he orchestrated it,  because he wanted you to go straight to him and beg him for help. And like the predictable good little skylark you are, you did just that. But it cost you didn't it? Your grandmother had been hospitalized and you needed money. But poor granny passed after she missed her surgery because you were too late." I murmed. By the look on her face I knew I had her exactly where I wanted her.

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