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Yo it's Wednesday!!

Wednesday update!!!

Jungkook was feeling so mad he was guilty he didn't let taehyung explain anything bursted on him . He was nervous.

Will the blonde male forgive him?

He was insecure having uneasy feeling in his chest so he got up headed to tae's room he bent litle to check is the blonde under the bed but he was not there he frown . The whole room was dark. But bathroom lights was on 'oh I think tae is using washroom ' he sat there waiting for tae it's already 15 minutes still no taehyung he built all courage and tried to push bathroom door it was lock .

"Tae baby open the door I'm sorry baby please open the door Don't cry love open the door " he started calling the male while no response he frown .

"Tae open the damm door or I'll kick the door" he said and started bagging the door soon door wide open . Jungkook just froze on his spot .

Taehyung his baby lying on bathroom tiles haf naked all blood around him. He got panick!!


"he rush towards blonde and pick him up and comes out of the bathroom . Soon he carried him to his car and started the engine he was crying it's all happened because of him he is the cause his baby is in this state he is the worst husband so bad.
"Tae b-baby wakeup please " said soon he reached the hospital he dashed inside the hospital .

"Doctors please save my tae please I beg you" he started begging bro doctors he can't he can't leave without tae. The blonde can't just leave him like this he can't just die without him . He was crying crying mess.
"Baby please wakeup" he sat on the chair outside the ICU.

All his fault if he didn't shouted on him this doesn't happened today . His was not lying on the hospital bed but was in his arms. All happened just because me. He was so much sad for he did ."I'm sorry tae please baby wakeup please d-don't leave me" he again said and started crying.

Soon doctors came out and jungkook also stood there "doctor is everything fine my tae is fine right!!" He said while sobbing. "Mr. Jeon he is out of danger he is sleeping now and I want to talk to you something urgent so come to my office after you see him okay so Mr Jeon I'll wait for you in my office. " Doctor said and left.

Kook didn't waste any time and headed to tae's room . His heart broke in million pieces. His baby was lying on the bed unconscious because all him. He is cause for it. He sat beside taehyung and caressed his cheeks those bread cheeks. He gave a quick peck on his cheeks. "Tae please baby wakeup fast be healthy for your koo" said and drop of tears started flowing through his cheeks .. peck his forehead one last time before leaving .

He soon reach the doctors cabin .he knock the door and asked permission doctor just permitted he entered the cabin. "Take your seat Mr. Jeon "doctor said and take out the reports from the paper bag and started explaining kook that blonde is suffering from anxiety and severe stressed. "Please do take care of him he is so sensitive I guess please don't give him any stress ." Kook just looked at the the papers in his hands. "So Mr Jeon you may take your leave" doctor said and jungkook left the cabin.

He straight went to tae's room he look at the blonde's face which is now pale . Swollen eyes . The plump lips which are all red due to excess bitting. Tears escape from kook eyes . He so dam wanted to hug the blonde.

Soon tae comes to his sence and then he started wiggling. He open his eyes . His vision was blurred. "Koo" he said looks in the direction just only to see the site which broke his heart his love his koo's condition . He was all mess . His face was pale his eyes was shot red due to excess of crying and still sniffling. The older was sitting next to youngers hospital bed on the chair hand intertwined with other.

"T-Tae I-Im s-sorry p-please don't leave me baby I.. can't l-leave without y-you" he said and hugs the younger and started crying like a baby. He hold the youngers face and started pampering his face with lots of kisses. He was happy . Happy because nothing happened to his love his baby..

"I'm sor-ry koo" Taehyung shuttered he was sad . Sad and guilty . Sad because he made his koo cry and hurted him and guilty because how he is the reason the older's condition. He almost gave the jungkook an heartattack . He said and hug him back . "Pl-ease I'm sorry koo d-don't cry. " He said kook just got up and went out he was so worried yet still angry he was on the edge of loosing his love he was depressed thinking about what he'll do if tae leave him?

He left tae in his room and sat outside on the chair thinking why he left tae alone?

What he'll think of him as coward??

He hide his face in his palm and started crying .

On other side blonde was silently crying mess.
He hurted Jungkook's feeling by trying to hurt himself what did jungkook had done after he left?

He just cried . Cried in extreme pain and agony. He cried and went to a deep slumber. Tears are still in his almonds eyes. He was scared to loose the only one person in his life that is jungkook..

He cried and cried and drifted to sleep while thinking of his koo.

It's already 2 hours still tae didn't woke up. Suddenly door slam open ohh it's jungkook who came and sat there with him . He just looked at the sleepy boy and felt a string of guilt . But he need a lesson too.

Soon tae open his eyes only to see doctors in his room but kook is no were to found. "So Mr. Jeon you can go back Mr. Jeon Jungkook already completed all the discharged formalities as he left few minutes ago he had important work so he told us tell you okay Mr. Jeon good bye " doctors said and left.

Taehyung just sign and got up as he was little weak he got up carefully and got ready to leave hospital. He came out and waited for the cab but it's no were to found!

He started walking thinking about the few hours ago memories how kook left him alone? Kook is upset he is sad. Tae started crying while continue to walk untile he reach home he flop on his bed not in their shared bedroom but in his owns. He again not want to upset the black haired male. He started sobbing silently and slept again .


Enjoy my lovely babies....
Bye bye ~~~

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