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Ain't going to lie but there morning wasn't good it was gloomy as jungkook thought he wasn't getting attention from the pretty blonde male he kept on whinning for attention but the younger being pretty busy with his cafe work who left early morning for his cafe leaving sleepy bunny professor behind who is probably sulking on the bed wrap inside the blanket like a burrito...he kept on spamming messages to the younger who was like really irritated by him..

The male sign heavily and get back to his work there were many peoples today he don't know why people enjoy that eww so bitter coffee ..

A/n: no coffee is love and is it my druggg....

"Tae what happened is everything alright"

Rosé asked with concern blonde wasn't looking in good condition is everything alright with him well yes he was just worried about his husband he didn't cook breakfast in hurry his husband has to manage for today he surely get home at the lunch time ...

Dureum is at her Jinnie mommy's place because she like there she is so active and hyperengetic that she kept on playing troubling her older twin brother upto she get tired and fall asleep...

She is really chubby and cute just like taehyung..the blonde was getting in better state...he isn't skinny like before...he gotten little chubby .he tried to diet again to maintain his figure but jungkook strictly prohibited him because he like his baby chubby chubby it feel so good after lying on his tummy and blonde will coo at his husband or will play with his hairs he is happy surely is ...

"Excuse me Mister Can I get one black espresso with blue berry cheesecake"
Taehyung did heard the customer and turn around to apologise for not listening order so he bowed in respect ...

"S-sorry sir can you tell me again what-"

He looked up and froze on his spot to see his high school bully standing infront of him...

Yes it's  Park Bogum standing infront of him .

"B-bogum y-you"

"Well long time no see Kim Taehyung"
He said and smile seeing blonde ..

"Well I'm blessed not seeing you this days and between I'm not Kim Taehyung anymore do please call me Mr. Jeon or Jeon Taehyung it will be fine".
He gave him a tight smile..

"Ohh s-sorry Taehyung"

"Okay your order will be placed in 10 minutes do wait on your table "
He said bogum did obeyed and sat there on the table he looked at Taehyung he had changed so much he looks more pretty now and had gained few pounds too...

Looking such a pretty in that baggy pants with oversized purple hoddie .

"Your order sir"
Taehyung placed his order and was about to left when he grab the male by his wrist to stop him...

"C-can we talk taehyung"

"There nothing left to talk bogum. I'm sorry I'm busy with some work ".

Taehyung bowed towards him and left.

After sometime bogum came to him and again stopped him and probably begged him to talk and the blonde agreed too...

"T-tae you look s-so pretty "
He said looking in those hazel eyes but the blonde male roll his eyes in annoys.

"Well I know my husband always says the same nothing new you tell me why the hell did you want to talk to me."
The male said and bogum chuckle the pretty male had became more sassy and confidential now he isn't the same kim Taehyung who used to be scared of him who always used to beg him to stop bulling him.

Right know the male infront of him is completely different Kim Taehyung opps sorry Jeon. Taehyung.

"I w-want to apologise t-to you".
Bogum said looking down at his hands.

"F-for what?"
Taehyung said

"For e-everything for bullying you I'm sorry I never meant to do that but this the least I could do that time to stay closed to you.. I'm sorry I found you attractive from the start but you never noticed me so I started bullying to get your attention and it got w-worse . I-I called you many m-mean names which I didn't mean too... I'm sorry taehyung I'm really g-guilty for whatever I did ".
Said and now he placed his both hands on Taehyung hand look at him Taehyung was just overwhelmed.

"What will I even do with your apology hmm if you really liked me that time why didn't you say that on my face w-why you have to bully me ".

The pretty males lips wobbles and was about to drop the tears but he controlled himself he can't make fuse hear in his cafe .

"I'm sorry Tae I'm really sorry ".
He begged infront of Taehyung and now peoples started talking gathering there...

"Ohh man just forgive him and kiss".

One of the old customer sitting next to them said loudly and Taehyung cheeks started tinting red . All the customer turn to them and started chanting 'forgive him and kiss'

And Taehyung was shocked and was so much to proceed .

"I-its okay b-bogum I f-forgave you".
He said and bogum engulf him in the tight hug taehyung to wrap his hand around him smiling finally everything fine between him now...

They detached and bogum kiss his hands and chuckled when Taehyung shyly looked away and dammm

He froze on his spot when he saw his husband there on his wheelchair and Namjoon at the back who was processing everything.

"H-hyung c-can you drop me home"
Jungkook said avoiding his gaze and Namjoon nodded he turned around and left with Namjoon without giving the other any chance to explain.

"J-jungkook listen it wasn't what you think please stop"
And the car already left from there leaving crying taehyung back.

"Taehyung why are you c-crying and what is Mr. Jeon doing here"

"H-he is my husband b-bogum "

And bogum widened his eyes in shock.


A/n : in another chapter taekook little argument then kiss and makeup..only three more chapters to goo..

Professor Jeon's baby husbandWhere stories live. Discover now