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He still want to see the stars which shines in those hazel eyes when ever he looks at him...
But now he chosed to let the younger go because he doesn't want to damage heart of younger like he is having..

Because now he is to afraid to face him..
To afraid to let him in..
To afraid of being vulnerable infront of him...


It's already 2 months in the hospital ..2 month his loved one left him..2 months he lost every hope...2 months he stopped expecting things from other because...because it brings heartbreak and sorrow...because there's saying that" if you expect nothing from somebody you never disappointed" right!!!
Because setting expectations only left us broken..
Broken in sense of self worth..
Now the male had stop expecting things from other..
He stopped expecting and accepted the fact he'll never come for him.. because he still waited for him...

Some times things,
Perhaps they never met, they never loved each other , they never met that night , never kissed in that moonlight.. perhaps it was the professor who the younger was interested in but now he just broken man who have nothing to say nothing to show nothing to relay on.. because all he ever wanted is to do is to get understood...

Because as the day are passing it's getting to difficult for professor to breathe and this heart could barely beat, and his body felt like a straight stick which is numb and can't move a bit..

" How could you leave me here alone huh?"

He said sighing again for the 10th time ...

As day passing his mind is getting darker with every ambition he thought he wanted to achieve he that useless , clueless or just stupid ..because he kept thinking that he is no more stronger and best he used to be ..and the reality not even fit to be protagonists ..

He is still under observation because of his burnt body he need 24/7 care to him he choose to stay in his 'sweet home' which it was before he wass in the same room which they used to sharee the bright curtains they had in there room and now nothing but just darkness around...

Nurses are appointed for him .. everything Namjoon could do to keep his brother safe's been 2 month his relationship with Seokjin is not working..jin was still confused of the fact why the dimple guy is distancing himself from him..jin is now 3 month pregnant... Namjoon do all his duty as good husband and a father ...but he didn't feel it jin is feeling regrets he is getting to know how jungkook and Taehyung had felt when he separated them still unknown about the reason what's going on with Namjoon mind?


Namjoon came home only to find his husband waiting for him in living room as always " how is jungkook" Jin asked the later scoffed and rolled his eyes and ignore the question ...Jin never liked being ignored ever since childhood he hated the fact his own husband is ignoring him for some reason he didn't know..

"I'm asking something to you joon"
He said as he held the others hand gently only to get slapped away....and Namjoon again ignored his question..

"W-why are you so mad Joonie ?why are you distancing from me?"
Jin asked while forcefully hugging the other ... Joon can't push him away knowing his husband is pregnant with his child..

"Jin it's better if you leave me and sleep"
The other said with plain expression..

"No I'm not sleepy tell me why are you doing this to me" jin let out a sobbed on his shoulder who didn't hugged him back ...just standing straight at one place face still rock hard cold...

"Please don't ignore me joon you know na I don't like it"

"So "
Joon said and again left from there to there shared bedroom..

" Joon what the hell are you doing? Do you even know you're hurting me !!"

Jin let out with frustrated expression still sobbing he felt so bad and sad for nothing..

" Didn't you thought this before hurting my brother and YOUR brother huh and now you think I'm hurting you what's the point then tell me WHAT'S THE POINT?"
Irritate joon let out loudly and jin flinched to him Namjoon never raised his voice on him but this time he did ..

"What are you talking about joon"
He asked still confused of the fact that the man knows everything about him and the truth ...

"Oh please don't be so innocent what you thought Kim Seokjin that I'm blind and can't see what you're doing at my back tell me why did you do this TELL ME GOD DAMMIT"
he again yelled ...

" W-why did you asked jungkook to divorce tae? Can't you see them happy"


"Stop taking my name from your filthy mouth I never thought you'll be this low kim Seokjin "

"N-no jo-"

And joon slapped jin ..this was there first fight , first time joon yelled and slapped him he let out sobbed and wipped his tears and collecting all the courage and said

Jin shouted and started panting..


" I hated him joon from my childhood because I'm always jealous of him ! Because I never got the love of mother but when his mother married to my father I started loving her like my own mother she started treating me like her own son . S-she always made pancakes for me like every mother makes for their child . S-she a-also scolded children for mocking me and bullying me for having no mommy joon that time she came to my life ...I never liked my father j-oon never liked him...but when Taehyung was born she died giving birth to him..I started hating him for my mother's death And I still hate him"

And listening to such things joon again slapped the male who did nothing but laugh ...he started laughing like a fool ...he was laughing at himself how low he was of thinking such low?

"I hated him because everyone loved him but not me..he was just a cursed to our family. You know joon my father was rich but Taehyung's father Kim Jong Hyun was the 1st millionaire of korea and being in extreme greed and being a dreamt to be rich dad started hitting him ..letting his frustration on him ....And I do hurted him in indirect way j-joon but I always saved him whenever dad used to hurt him h-he was so small j-joon when. He was born so tiny when mom left him in my arms . I was so coward to love him joon  and from that day I started hating everything single thing which belongs to him even his presence you don't know how I managed to leave this many years with him".

He let it all out unknowingly regrets and guilt was shooting out..

"You know what jin I regret falling in love with you.. regret marrying you...."
Joon said crying they both had tears in there eyes because joon never thought his love will destroyed someone's else love...

"Joon P-please don't do this I'm sorry "

"Y-your sorry won't fixed my brother's life Seokjin you know what I hate you. I don't want you in my life let's divorce"
Joon said and left at this time fell on his knees regretting his deeds no one to ease just crying in agony...


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