3. now what

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If only I had listened. If only I'd just stayed here. Better yet if I'd been responsible like Sehyoon and talked them out of that reckless mission..

San would still be alive.

Jaejoong would've never found out about my existence.

I would've never met him. I would've never had my heart broken as badly as he hurt me.

It's all my fault. Everything that's happened is because of me. And fuck, I don't know what I'm supposed to do to fix it.

Something tells me this is the one thing I can't fix.

Yunho bites down on his lip hard as he crumbles to the ground in front of San's tombstone. Since they were never actually able to recover his body their village still made a physical memorial site for anyone who wanted to come pay their respects.

The fresh flowers of every color placed all over stood out against the cold grey color of the headstone.

Yunho winces when a sharp pain from his side snaps against his ribs like a rubber band due to his rough movements but he doesn't pay any mind to it. His gaze stayed fixed on the carving of his best friends name written in drowic.

It'd been a week since he woke up and 2 days since Mingi left him. Since he attempted to end it all. Key word attempted. He had stabbed himself in stomach but apparently it wasn't deep enough to hit any vital organs and Sehyoon had found him before he bled out in his tent.

Now he's all bandaged up and his older brother has someone watching him every hour of everyday. He couldn't even go to the bathroom without one of Sehyoon's many watch-men keeping an eye on him.

He turns his head to the side slightly when he sense the movement of his current watch man shuffling on the spot a bit and stepping on a twig in the process.

He groans in annoyance. "Can you just give me 1 minute alone with my best friend?" He says in drowic. He didn't mean to sound so exasperated but he couldn't help it.

"No can do" He says, popping the last syllable of his sentence like they were taking a stroll through the park and not currently in a cemetery.

Yunho turns fully to him brow arched as he takes in his appearance for the first time that morning. His pale skin matching his hair almost exactly. A bit of visible flushing in his cheeks and pursed pink lips lifted ever so slightly in a grin. The way the sun peeked through the high trees and hits his glass skin in all the right places made him look quite otherworldly. But Yunho wasn't in the mood to gawk over how handsome anyone was. Especially not now.

"I'm sorry what exactly about all this is funny to you?" Yunho was appalled.

The drow couldn't help but grin wider. "Nothing"

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