44. an earnest proposition

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(I'm gonna try speeding through Hongjoong finding them because I don't want this book to get too long

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(I'm gonna try speeding through Hongjoong finding them because I don't want this book to get too long. Lol we're already on chapter 44 and I feel like I still have so much to cover. Plus, I wanna go back to woosan, no offense Joong. Love ya 😹)



Hongjoong lands on the grass after having successfully escaped through a window on the first floor of the castle.

It's nighttime and the sounds of crickets in the trees and shrubs tickles his ears. He quickly ducks at the sight of two guards making their way down that path with a lantern. They chat quietly and Hongjoong stays hidden behind some topiary.

Once they were gone and the light from the lantern fades down the path he stands up and quietly made his way towards the gate. He knew he wouldn't be able to get through without help. Hence why Nari would cause a diversion and he'd be able to escape.

He pulls the hood to his coat over his head and picked off in a run through the woods between the palace, the rest of the town homes and the front gates.

He arrives and just as planned Nari successfully diverts their attention which was more than enough time for Hongjoong to vamp speed past the gate before any of them could catch on.

Before he knew it he was out of the capital of Naex, the big city as well as where the palace was located. He takes a deep breath and starts towards where his brother was last spotted. The Great Lake.

He knew he had to be quick if he was going to find Jongho before any one else. Nari's words kept repeating in his head and though he knew she wouldn't lie about something like that to him he also couldn't help but want to believe his father more. He was conflicted. But he stuffed away this mental turmoil for now and focused on finding his brother for now.

Eventually he arrives at the lake and as expected there wasn't any sign of anyone present. He leans forward on his knees, trying to catch his breath after having sprinted there. "Jongho, where the hell are you?" He mutters to himself in annoyance as he looks around the clearing, at the tall trees, at the steady flowing lake, at the other side of said lake.

He looks down and that's when he momentarily catches the sigh of locks of black hair strands right by the lake side. It was covered in mud but he squats and uses a stick to dig it up then he observed that it was cut off using some sort of knife. One thing's for sure though, it was definitely done very recently.

"You must be looking for your brothers" A voice calls out behind Hongjoong and he nearly slips on the mud. He flinches and quickly stands up, getting in a defensive position. He saw the voice belonged to a man with brown hair tied back in a bun.

Junho smiles softly at Hongjoong but the prince only eyes him suspiciously. "Did you see him pass by here?" Hongjoong questions but immediately after the words left his mouth he registered what the stranger had said. "Wait a minute, did you say 'brothers'?" His eyes widen and his heart jumps in his chest. So Wooyoung really is alive?

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