69. to plan a proposal

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The next couple days post coronation went by in a blur

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The next couple days post coronation went by in a blur. Lots of kissing and sex of course but they also had lots of dates. Going on picnics and long walks hand in hand like an old married couple.

To San's suprise whenever they were in public a lot of Naexian vampires would actually acknowledge and greet him along side Wooyoung. Each time it happened he swore he felt like he was imagining it.

Of course there were the few that gave him the stink eye when they walked by, like he wanted worthy of dating Wooyoung. But he tried not to let the opinions of these random individuals affect him. Instead he focused on the genuine smiles and greetings everyone else gave him.

There was a lantern festival about a week after the coronation. Wooyoung had explained to him what exactly they were celebrating but he couldn't remember for the life of him. Probably because he explained it while they were seated in the bath together and he was too busy focusing on Wooyoung's wet lips as he spoke. He remembers going in for an open mouthed kiss mid sentence, cutting the prince off. He couldn't help it, his lips were such a distraction.

It's still early in the day and the festival wasn't until that night. Which gave Wooyoung enough time to decide if he had the balls to propose that evening.

He'd been secretly planning to propose for weeks even before San's arrival in Naex as they wrote letters back and forth everyday. He'd gone through every scenario in his head. How he wanted to do it but he'd quickly scrap the idea on account of it not being special enough. He wanted the proposal to be perfect because San deserved nothing less.

"Fuck" He mutters to himself as he closes the small black ring box holding two identical engagement bands. One was his, the other was San's.

"What are you cursing about over there?" A voice startles the vampire prince from where he stood leaning over the one of castle kitchen's counter. Wooyoung nearly jumped as he quickly stuffs the box in his pocket and whips around to meet the narrowed eyes of his younger brother, Jongho.

He relaxes a little but kept the box hidden. "Damn it, don't sneak up on me like that" He had his hand in his accelerating heart.

Jongho just trudges toward one of the many large coolers that lines the walls of the kitchen. A pink haired faery shuffles after him with his he'd dipped down. "Afternoon, Your Highness" The male says to Wooyoung with a deep bow. Wooyoung just nods once at him.

"You don't have to be so formal with him, Yeosang. He's a loser and should be treated as such" Jongho comments in amusement as he pulls out a blood bag from a cooler.

Wooyoung only shoots him a playful glare even though Jongho couldn't see the nasty look he gave him due to having his back turned to him. "So what did you shove in your pocket?" Jongho asks again with a nonchalant attitude as he turns around and accepts a clean glass cup from Yeosang.

Wooyoung's eyes widen. His first instinct was to deny his claims. "W-what are you talking about?" He mentally curses when his voice shakes.

Jongho narrows his at him slightly as he tears the blood bag and begins spilling the thick red liquid into the cup. "I literally just saw you shove something in your pocket like a kid caught doing something they shouldn't be doing. What, is it drugs?"

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