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Hongjoong could hardly focus on anything much less his work, his mind was too cluttered and and preoccupied with the conversation he had with his father and step mother last night

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Hongjoong could hardly focus on anything much less his work, his mind was too cluttered and and preoccupied with the conversation he had with his father and step mother last night.

Even as he was seated at the weekly council meeting as a stand-in for his father it felt as though he was physically present but all their words simply went over his head and was nothing but muffled background noise.

Prince Hongjoong.

Prince Hongjoong..

Is Wooyoung really brought back from the dead? Why wouldn't Jongho tell me any of this? How long has he even been planning to bring him back? Where did he-

"Prince Hongjoong!"

Hongjoong snaps back to attention, staring wide eyed at the table of high officials and Naex governers. They all looked at him with watchful ice grey eyes, waiting for something. "I-I apologize, I must have zoned out. What were you discussing?" He clears his throat, sitting up straighter in the head chair at the large wooden table where Jaejoong would typically sit.

Jaejoong had something else to attend to so Hongjoong was appointed to take his place at the council table seeing as he is the first son and heir. As far as what that 'something' entails, Hongjoong wasn't sure. In fact, with all his thinking Hongjoong realized that lately Jaejoong had been quite busy but he was mostly left in the dark with whatever the vampire king was up to. But he didn't bother questioning it.

He had no reason to, he trusts his father after all.

"We were going over our next plan of action after the cease fire with Boulia is over" A long haired man speaks up, he pushes his thin rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. "It's been a year, and they likely will be ready to hit with full forc-"

Hongjoong began zoning out again.

"Perhaps-" A loud voice cuts through the meeting room, bringing Hongjoong's mind back. He blinks up and meets the cool grey eyes of councillor Beomgyu who was watching him, an empathetic look on his face. "-perhaps we should cut the meeting short today. I'm quite tired and clearly the prince has a lot on his mind. We can have a review next week" He says but it sounded more like a question.

Hongjoong nods, scratching the back of his neck. "Y-yes, uhm.. meeting adjourned" He formally ends it and everyone begins gathering their papers and files spread out on the table.

Just as Beomgyu was about to head out Hongjoong reaches for his arm. "Ah- councilor Beomgyu, thank you for stepping in. I've just been.. dealing with a lot lately"

Beomgyu simply smiles curtly at him then bows. "You do not need to thank me. I can't imagine how busy you must be these days. Please, do take care of yourself. I'll see you next week" He says with a half smile and a wink before walking out the meeting room and to his personal guard which had escorted him to the castle.

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