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Just as promised Jongho returned with a large sack full of blood bags

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Just as promised Jongho returned with a large sack full of blood bags. Wooyoung had downed several in a matter of minutes, desperate to stop the biting hunger that ate him up from the inside. At one point during his wait for Jongho's return he almost felt himself snap again due to the sound of Junkyu's heart beating loud in his ears. Almost.

"Ah-" Wooyoung says with a long sigh as he finishes up his 13th bag. Fresh blood on his lips and vampire features on his face. "You're the best, Jjong" He says to Jongho who was just seated on the bed across from him, watching him drink. Jongho couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"Ran into Hongjoong on my way out" Jongho begins playing with the rings on his fingers.

Wooyoung looks up at him just as he tears open another bag. "Did you tell him I'm here?"

Jongho shakes his head. "No. I don't know there's just something... off about him lately. Jaejoong has him brainwashed. He's just not the loving big brother I remember" Jongho says with a sad shrug. "And I honestly don't trust him. With how tightly wrapped around Jaejoong's finger he is I don't doubt he would go right to him if I mentioned you're alive"

Wooyoung frowns when he sees how distraught his little brother was. He places the now half empty blood bag in the small table next to the head of the bed then he inches closer to Jongho and since they were seated across from each other on the bed. He sits cross legged and takes Jongho's hands in his, giving him a comforting squeeze. "It'll be ok. You know how he is, he probably blames himself for everything and feels like he needs to take responsibility for all of it. Jaejoong is the problem, and I'll make sure he doesn't hurt any of us again" He promises.

Jongho nods, forcing a small smile when Wooyoung smiles at him. "What's the plan now?" Jongho had to ask.

"I dont know" Wooyoung says with a shrug. He knew he wanted to put that dagger in Jaejoong's heart but he wasn't sure how he'd be able to get close to him.

Jongho looks down at his rings again in deep thought then sighs after a moment of silence. "I'll go check on Junkyu" He says as he notices that the sun was beginning to rise, dull light streaming in from the window. "He's been gone for a while now and he said he was just going to rehydrate in the lake nearby"

Wooyoung nods, shifting back to pick up his blood bag and resume his binge drinking session. "I guess I'll just wait here then"

"I'll be quick" Jongho slips on his shoes and shoots him a kissy face just before he leaves with which Wooyoung fake gags at him. Jongho laughs. He was so happy to have Wooyoung back. He felt like he hadn't had a genuine laugh since he lost him.

Jongho walks a short 10 minutes and arrives at the lake. It was quiet, except for the chirping of birds in the trees that were beginning to wake up in preparation for the new day. The water was still. "Junkyu-ah" He calls out and was met with quiet.

He steps closer to the lake. "Junkyu!". Nothing and that's when he begins to worry. He cups his mouth. "Junkyu!!"

Suddenly the boy pops up from the water, startling Jongho. "Aish-" He holds his chest in surprise. "You scared me. I thought something happened to you" He whines.

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