64. hugs and kisses • M

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Contemplated adding the M to the title cuz there's no smut sadly but they are bare ass naked and in the shower together so

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Contemplated adding the M to the title cuz there's no smut sadly but they are bare ass naked and in the shower together so.... idk we move! Enjoy :]]


The soft sounds of water running out of the shower head is all that could be heard behind the slightly ajar door of Wooyoung's bathroom. Followed my Wooyoung's laugh then the sweet lewd sounds of a wet kiss.

San held Wooyoung delicately on either sides of his face as they shared a buttery kiss under the running water of the shower. Wooyoung had his own hands running up and down San's ass, kneading and rubbing the soft flesh.

Wooyoung pulls away first, his eyes remained closed for a full second after parting away. His wet pink lips were parted and glistened in such a delicious way. And when his eyes slides open, the droplets of water on his lashes flickers off. His grey eyes were big and beautiful and breath taking. God, San thought he was the most gorgeous being in all of Naex. Hell, in the whole world. He wanted to kiss his face over and over, make out with him for hours, give him all the compliments because that's exactly what he deserved.

"You're so beautiful. So so gorgeous" San whispers in an airy voice as he presses a kiss against his jawline. He holds the prince close to his chest, kissing his way down his smooth neck. Wooyoung blushes and a smile stretches on his lips involuntarily. "Fuck, you make me so happy" San adds with a dreamy sigh. "I was such an idiot for getting distracted with Seonghwa"

Wooyoung's smile immediately falls at the mention of Seonghwa. It felt somewhat unnecessary bringing up his little fling with the werewolf. It was in the past and he'd rather they just don't talk about it, ever. Mostly because everytime he remembered walking in on the two of them standing so incredibly close to each other months ago in the woods he couldn't help but feel angry despite how clear San had made it that they're only friends now.

"It's ok. It's all in the past" He says in a throaty voice. "And to be honest, I'd rather not talk about... Seonghwa right now" He hesitates on his name like it was a curse word or something.

San pulls his face away from Wooyoung's neck to look him in the eyes. He studies the shorter male for a long couple seconds then flashes a small smile. His thumb, traces a pattern on Wooyoung's cheek and he presses a soft peck on his lips. "Of course" He whispers then pulls Wooyoung to his chest for a hug. A hug that Wooyoung gladly accepts.

His chin rests on San's wet bare shoulder as they begin silently rocking side to side, enjoying the calming sounds of the still running shower head and their soft breaths.

"I missed you a lot y'know? These past 2 months have been impossible" Wooyoung breaks the silence with a child like pout.

San chuckles, his rubs his hands up and down Wooyoung's smooth back and presses a kiss against the side of his head, and into his hair. Wooyoung's wet hair tickles his cheeks. "I know babe. I know. I swear not a day went by where I didn't think of you. About holding you.." He tightens the hug a little.

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