31. again and again

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"You shouldn't have provoked her like that" Jongho lectures as they come to a stop near a cave where they planned on taking cover from the brewing storm

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"You shouldn't have provoked her like that" Jongho lectures as they come to a stop near a cave where they planned on taking cover from the brewing storm.

Wooyoung shrugs. "She shouldn't have provoked me"


"She went after you knowing it would get to me. I'd do it a hundred times over. And I know you would've done the same" He cuts the younger. That shut Jongho up.

"She's going to be much more aggressive when coming after you" Jongho says, his voice a bit more gentle now.

"Let her" Wooyoung settles down on large boulder, then runs his hand through his shaggy hair.

Just then he gets an unusual sensation hum at the back of his mind and he sits up in alarm, eyes widened. Jongho and Junkyu both look at him, suddenly on alert. "What is it? No way Chiyo found us already" The younger vampire exclaims.

"Shhh" Wooyoung warns. "S-something's weird" He mutters, pulling himself off the boulder.

"What do you mean?" Junkyu asks. He was already getting early signs of dehydration and knew he needed to get into some water soon so the last thing he needed was to have to run some more.

"I don't know, I just-" His breathing was laboured. It felt like a something was making it's way towards him. Like a dull flare only he was aware of. He looks around, searching but couldn't pin point what it was.

"Wooyoung you're freaking me out. What is it?" Jongho steps up to him.

Goosebumps form on his arms and his heart picks up but he wasn't even entirely sure why. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until someone comes barreling through the trees. And that someone was San.

Everyone froze, even Junkyu, and all that could be heard was San's pants from having just ran here. "W-wooyoung?" San was the first to speak.  His eyes were wide with disbelief, eyes glossed over and mouth dry.

He tries stepping towards them and Jongho quickly steps forward and in front of Wooyoung. "Stay back!" He warns. "This must be some sort of spell by Chiyo, he's not really here. Don't fall for it Woo"

Wooyoung shakes his head repeatedly. "You're dead.. y-you're supposed to be dead" He whispers.

San's shakes his head too. His throat was too dry and words were suddenly impossible to form. Just then Seonghwa too comes bursting through the trees behind San.

"Werewolf.." Jongho growls out, stepping back further and pushing Wooyoung away from the two newcomers.

Seonghwa raises his hands as if to say he wasn't going to fight. He looks over at San who still hadn't moved. His wide glossy eyes were firm on Wooyoung's.

Wooyoung silently pushes Jongho's arm out of the way to try and get to San. Even if this is all some twisted apparition of his dead lover crafted by Chiyo, he didn't care. He looked real. And the burning flame drawing him to San was real.

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