62. missed you • M

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The loud sounds of Wooyoung's shoes on the smooth wooden flooring is all that could be heard as he raced down the hallway, and down numerous steps to get the the main floor of the castle

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The loud sounds of Wooyoung's shoes on the smooth wooden flooring is all that could be heard as he raced down the hallway, and down numerous steps to get the the main floor of the castle.

Castle guards and maids bow to him as he ran past but he would either briefly acknowledge them or just ignore them altogether. All that was on his mind was seeing San after what help like a full decade but was only 2 months.

He gets to the top of the grand set of stairs and spots San waiting by the main doors with a guard a few feet behind him. San turns his head at the sound of the loud erratic foot steps and their eyes meet for the first time in weeks. A wide, stunning, star struck, dimpled smile slowly stretches on San's lips once their eyes meet.

Wooyoung didn't even let himself think. He vampire sped down the stairs and was hugging San tightly in the blink of an eye. His arms around the drow's torso while San had his arms around Wooyoung's neck.

San laughs with giddiness when Wooyoung lifts him and spins him around while repeatedly placing kisses all over his neck, cheeks and face. Finally as he drops him back down on his feet, he captures his lips in a deeply passionate kiss.

San smiles against his hungry deliciously plump lips, pulling himself even closer against Wooyoung's chest as the prince holds him tighter. "Fuck. I missed you so fucking bad" San whispers breathlessly against his parted lips when they pull back slightly for air.

"You stole my line" Wooyoung retorts with a teasing grin before hungrily taking his lips again.

"Aren't you gonna ask why I'm here a day early?" San manages to ask between sweet buttery kisses. He smiles wide and blushes madly when Wooyoung leaves his lips and resumes kissing his face.

Wooyoung just grunts dismissively. "Yeah yeah I'll get to that. Just lemme kiss you for a minute" He holds San on either side of his face, squishing his cheeks and making his lips pucker out slightly in such an adorable way.

"Fuck, you're so cute" Wooyoung pecks him on his puckered lips after staring at his bright hazel colored eyes. "It's so good to finally see you again. Goddamn it I missed you so bad I thought I was gonna lose my mind" He whines.

San laughs and presses a firm kiss against his cheek.

"It's true" Hongjoong's voice echoes from the top of the stairs. San beams when he turns and meets Hongjoong's warm grey eyes. The prince makes his way down the stairs towards them. "All he would talk about for the past month is, 'I wonder what San's doing right now' 'Is San thinking about me at this second?' 'I miss San so much' San, San, San, San..." Hongjoong says in a whiny voice then ends with a fake gag. "Maybe we can finally get some peace and quiet around here"

Wooyoung turns around and flips him off. Hongjoong smiles sweetly and flips him back. San chuckles at the exchange and goes to envelope Hongjoong in a warm friendly hug, one that the shorter male returns. "It's good to see you again, Hongjoong. Or should I say Your Majesty?" San asks teasing and wiggles his brows. Wooyoung and San subconsciously take each other's hands, holding eachother firmly.

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