17. found him

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Junkyu felt his hand shake as he made his way in

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Junkyu felt his hand shake as he made his way in. He glances behind his shoulder to make sure Jongho hadn't disappeared or something. The prince still stood against the entrance watching him and gave a comforting grin when he looked back. This encourages him and he pushes forward.

Soon he disappears from sight and Jongho listens intently for any signs of trouble. Junkyu tries to control his breathing but the place was so eerily quiet and dark it was hard to calm down. The sounds of his shoes crunching on glass and dirt and god knows what else echoes around the place.

It was clear no one has lived here in at least a century. There wasn't any furniture but the walls were browned and paint peeling off. Dust and dirt on every window ledge. Some windows even completely broken which would probably explain the glass shards all over the floor.

Suddenly he hears some movement and immediately flinches away from the sound, heart thumping in his chest. He lifts the lantern towards the darkness but couldn't make anything out.

There were no movements and just as he was about to keep walking a rat scurried out from the darkness and Junkyu yelps in surprise, nearly running into a wall.

"Junkyu! What is it?!" Jongho panics at the entrance pushing at the invisible barrier then groaning in annoyance when he remembers he couldn't go in.

"I- I'm fine!" Junkyu calls back to him, his voice quivering and heart still beating in his ears. "It was just a rat"

"Calm down. Just breathe, you can do this" Jongho encourages him since he clearly wasn't gonna be able to talk him out of it. His voice echoing in the eerie abandoned house.

Junkyu takes his advice and sucks in a huge breath of air and then pushes off the wall and keeps making his way in, a fresh determination in his gaze. Stop being such a bitch, he thinks to himself. You can do this.

There were lots of dark, possibly empty, rooms but he hastily makes his way down to the one room that had a candle burning faintly in it, eager to cut this trip short and get out of there.

He walks in and that's when he sees a coffin on a stone table and another one placed on another table along the wall. He walks closer to the one in the middle of the room and nearly drops his lantern. A gasp squeezes out of his lungs, his eyes blow out and he unconsciously takes a few steps back.

Because there he was, laying in a 4 year long slumber, his vampire master whom he'd developed feelings for; Wooyoung. His white skin dull and showed no signs of life. His chest didn't rise or fall like it should if he was breathing. He was still, like a corpse. His closed eyelids didn't move or flutter and his pale dry lips remained in a relaxed line.

Junkyu slaps a hand over his mouth because even if he already knew Wooyoung was dead seeing him like that again brought back all the grief he'd gone through 4 years ago. He felt his eyes sting and his breathing pick up but he willed himself to calm down. Then it hit him, wasn't his body buried? Like.. several feet in the ground?

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