50. a brother's vow

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Hongjoong hadn't heard back from Seonghwa till the next morning

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Hongjoong hadn't heard back from Seonghwa till the next morning. Not that he cared. The last thing he wanted was to be responsible for dogsitting anyone.

At the first rays of sunshine that beamed through his window he was out of the hut in order to find his brothers and leave here. The day before they had held a meeting of some sort but the drows requested that he not be part of it.

He was annoyed that they still didn't trust him even after reassurance from San but he couldn't necessarily blame them. So he was practically in the dark. Wooyoung assured him though that he'd find him and explain everything. And Hongjoong needed an explanation right about now.

As he walks out of his shared hut a soldier picks up behind him, lagging by a feet feet but still very clearly following him. He quietly rolled his eyes and made a beeline for Wooyoung's hut.

White haired dark elves look or gawk at him as he walked past and he ignores them all. Finally he arrives at the small shelter home, walking up the small set of stairs to the front door and knocking a few times. Loud. "It's me, open up" He calls out after twisting the door handle and it realizing it was locked.

He hears some clothing rustling on the other side as well as giggling. Followed by someone walking closer to the door before the sound of locks being undone is heard then the door swings open revealing a smiling Wooyoung.

Hongjoong felt his heart jump at the sight of Wooyoung because perhaps part of him was still in denial. And that his little brother wasn't actually here. But seeing him again right in front of him, in flesh and blood, alive... He bit the inside of his cheeks and fought back the tears that stung his eyes.

Wooyoung, whose smile slowly falls after seeing Hongjoong on the brink of tears, pulls the older male inside and shuts the door. "Hey, what happened? What's wrong?" He places both hands on either side of Hongjoong's face, stroking his cold cheeks for comfort.

Hongjoong breathes shakily as he closes his eyes and revels in the boy's touch. He's really here... I'm not just imagining things. He thinks to himself and places a hand over one of Wooyoung's which was still on the side of his face. Then he takes Wooyoung's hand and gives him a comforting squeeze in return. "I'm ok. I just, missed you" Hongjoong says with a wide smile after opening his eyes back up and meeting Wooyoung's familiar cloudy grey eyes.

Wooyoung smiles back. "I missed you too, hyung" He pinches the shorter's cheek and pulls him in for a hug. Hongjoong welcomed it wholly, taking a deep breath and burying his face in Wooyoung's shoulder.

He looks up and saw that San was watching them from the bed with a smile on his face. Upon being caught watching them he fake coughs and turns pretending to be interested in the patterns of the bed sheets.

Hongjoong just chuckles and pulls back from the hug. "I believe you owe me an explanation" The entirety of last night he'd been thinking over and over about how Wooyoung could have survived. Jongho had said he was never really dead. What did that mean?

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