56. i love you too

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As San and Wooyoung ran towards Jongho's hut everything seemed to be burning around them

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As San and Wooyoung ran towards Jongho's hut everything seemed to be burning around them. Bodies layed across the streets, both drows and vampires but mostly drows.

Buildings on fire. The night sky was enveloped in smoke. Whenever they ran into vampires they'd effectively kill them together and when they ran into scares civilians they'd direct them to the emergency exits.

Jongho's hut was in one of the tree houses up in extremely tall leaves of the giant sequoia trees. Everything around the tree was burning and San coughs profusely as he waved the smoke from his face.

Up in the tree hut the wooden floor boards between the door and where Jongho and Junkyu were stood had given way, creating a long strip of emptiness in the ground and leading to certain death below. If a fall from that height didn't kill a person, the burning flames below certainly would. Even to a vampire.

Hongjoong stood at the door coughing and as the fume of smoke made it hard to breathe. The room around them was burning, the flame licking the walls and causing the hut to collapse around them. Junkyu screams and clings to Jongho when another floorboard gives out and falls.

"You guys have to jump!" Hongjoong yells out. "Jongho, c'mon!" His eyes wide with panic as he stretches his arm out.

"No, Junkyu goes first!" Jongho shakes his head. "Jun, you're gonna have to jump ok?" He says to the merman who seemed to be just about ready to pass out. The fire was drying him out and dehydrating his much quicker than normal. But despite how weak he felt, he refused.

"You go first, prince Jongho. I'm supposed to be the one protecting you" He wheezes.

Jongho stares at him like he's lost it. "Junkyu, fucking hell... now is not the time for this" He grips the male by his shoulders. "I swear to God I will throw you to Hongjoong right now, stop playing around and jump" His throat was dry and scratchy from inhaling all the smoke around them. But he didn't care. As long as Junkyu was safe.

The floor boards beneath the bed gives out and the mattress goes falling into the burning flames below. "Guys! Come on!" Hongjoong calls out.

"Damn it! Hongjoong I'm throw him, get ready to catch him" He attempts to pick Junkyu up but the floor board breaks beneath them but Jongho was quick to grab unto a side panel with one hand and held Junkyu by the hand with the other. The merman cries out in panic holding onto to Jongho's hand tight.

"Fuck!" He cries out in pain when his shoulder dislocates. "H-hang on Jun!" He tries pulling Junkyu up but curses out again when the pain from his dislocated shoulder nearly knocked him out.

"Jongho! Shit! Holy shit" Hongjoong calls out to him, tears beading at his eyes and he felt himself slowly panic. He looked around for something he could use. Something he could do.

"Jongho" Junkyu cries out, tears running down his cheeks. Jongho meets his eyes and saw how absolutely terrified he was. Jongho's eyes bead with tears as well.

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