8. lover boy

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Flashback to the previous day

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Flashback to the previous day

"You're a heretic right? Half vampire half witch" San asks hesitantly.

She inches closer to him, resting her weight on her table. "Who wants to know?"

"I was wondering, do you know how to... revive a vampire?" He mutters, very much unsure of himself. He didn't even know if what he was saying made any sense or if it was possible. But he knew one thing for sure black magic exists and with that alone anything is possible. He had to try.

The half vampire half witch immediately halts, stopping completely from the stack of papers she was flipping through. She stares at him for a moment with no expression. Her grey eyes even more grey and lips a loose line as she held the nearly finished cigarette up to her mouth but froze at San's question just as she was about to take a drag.

"Nevermind" San was quick to counter already turning to leave.

"Wait" Her voice halts him and San turns back only a little. The secretary looks around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "Who are you trying to revive?" She inches closer on the desk, her voice much more quiet than before. They were separated by a glass pane with a small opening for minor transactions but San could still hear her fine.

"You didn't answer my question" He says dryly. If she was just gonna waste his time he'd much rather be on his way.

"And you didn't answer mine" Her brow raises daringly and she takes a last puff of the tobacco stick and tosses the rest in the small ashtray next to a cup filled with pens and an inkpad.

"I asked you first"

"Do you want my help or not?"

San rolls his eyes and turns to leave. He'd been down this road before. So desperate and longing to see Wooyoung again. Even if for a moment. He had gotten scammed or sent on a wild goose chase and each time it happened he'd feel more and more hopeless. He was tired. But also.. too scared to die. At least not again. The first time was traumatizing enough.

"I know someone that can help you" She quickly blurts and San paused, his back still turned to her.

He turns back to her, urging her to continue. "But you have to tell me who you're trying to revive. I can't just give info to any random crazy that walks through those doors"

San sucks his teeth in annoyance. "Why does it matter?"

"That spell isn't..." She mutters with a hushed tone then sighs loudly. "Can you just come closer? I'm not yelling across the room" She flicks her hand ushering him to come closer. San obliges and walks back to her. This better be worth my time.

"As I was saying, a revival spell isn't just some backyard little party trick. It requires a lot of magic and a strong witch" She says in a matter-of-fact composure.

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