15. i want to live

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Jongho slips on some black light weight clothing, something with a hood he could cover up with, as well as some boots

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Jongho slips on some black light weight clothing, something with a hood he could cover up with, as well as some boots. He slides his window close, the night breeze fanning in and fluttering his dark hair a little.

He'd been waiting for night fall to move out because it'd be harder to be noticed and now he was ready to leave. He pulls the 'map' out of his pocket and looks at it once more. Whoever left the message for him clearly used a special ink that only became visible once the sunlight hits it.

He bit down on his lip and folds it back and slips it in his pocket before heading for his door. He realize he could be walking into a trap of some sort but he had to know. If Wooyoung really was alive... he just had to know.

Just as he gets to the door and pulls it back Hongjoong was stood there with the back of his hand pulled up as though he was just about to knock. Jongho stands back with a surprised look. "H-hongjoong?"

Hongjoong eyes him once taking in his appearance. "Are you going somewhere?"

Jongho shrugs. "I'm going on a walk. Why are you here?" He didn't mean for his voice to come out so harsh but it did. He didn't regret it though. Wooyoung was his brother too and Hongjoong was all he had left and instead of them to and be there for each other Hongjoong locked himself off from the world and mostly ignored his existence. Even when Jongho would show up at his door, wanting to be with his brother he'd get shut down. He knew he was just mourning and still is but it made things harder for him too.

So to see him at his door so suddenly, it was an obvious surprise. "I just.. wanted to check on you. See how you're doing" He replies, a genuine tone in his voice.

Jongho wasn't sure what else to say besides, "I'm fine"

Hongjoong nods awkwardly when he notices the younger vampire obviously wasn't going to say anything else. "That's good. I'll leave you then. G'night" He says with a tight lipped smile before turning to leave.

"Night" Jongho responds with his own awkward smile. He sighs once Hongjoong turns a corner. When did things get so weird between us? I hate it. I hate all of this. It hurt so much. The brother he used to laugh with while snuggled up in bed together and played card games. The brother he often teased and made jokes with. The brother he confided all his secrets in. Where did he go? Now he can't even look him in the eyes without feeling.. weird.

He closes his door behind him and made his way down the hall and towards the stairs. He didn't want to admit it but he was beginning to slowly lose trust in Hongjoong. Reason being he trusts Jaejoong and did everything he said without a second thought. And Jongho didn't trust Jaejoong. His obvious disliking for his own father was becoming so obvious even other people were starting notice and rumors were spreading. But he didn't care.

Jongho has no respect for him and thinks he's a sick cruel person. And the way Hongjoong worshipped him made him just as untrustworthy. So that's why he didn't bother mentioning the letter to him.

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