34. bleeding heart

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"Hey! Wait up!" San calls out to Seonghwa as he jogs to catch up with him

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"Hey! Wait up!" San calls out to Seonghwa as he jogs to catch up with him. Seonghwa looks back at him, surprised at his appearance.

"What are doing here?" His dark grey eyes watches San in anticipation.

"Walking with you, what else?" San says in a tone that screamed 'obviously'. He keeps walking forward and glances behind him when he saw that Seonghwa was still watching him, a brow raised in confusion. "Well, are you coming?"

"Uh y-yeah" Seonghwa quickly catches up to him. His confusion just lies on the fact that San had left Wooyoung to come walk with him. The only reason he decided to take a walk was because he could hear that were obviously being intimate inside and wanted to give them privacy. That and it was excruciating having to witness that and pretend he was ok with it.

They walk in silence for a moment, birds chirping in the giant trees overhead. "Do you think your family are worried that you're missing?" San finally breaks the silence.

Seonghwa shakes his head. "I left a note in my bedroom saying, 'I'm out showing Mujin around. If I'm not back after a few days it means he's probably killed me'" He says jokingly.

San's jaw drops and he laughs. "Oh wow, fuck you too"

Seonghwa couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. "I did leave a note though. Just... without that last part. And now I'm kind of regretting not adding it"

San breaks off a twig from a nearby bush and tries hitting him with it but Seonghwa easily evades, laughing triumphantly. "Nice try" He smirks but San wasn't finished. He swings at him again but kept missing.

"Yah! Just let me hit you!" San exclaims with a laugh. "It's shouldn't even hurt"

"Well you'll have to catch me I suppose" Seonghwa says with a grin and tries skipping away. San scrunches his nose, refusing to lose, and vampire speeds right in front of him then wacks him with the twig.

"Gotcha" San smiles in victory.

"That was cheating" Seonghwa growls out and steps closer to him.

San takes notice of how close they were in proximity, Seonghwa's chest practically pressed against his. "Don't be a sore loser" San says with a scoffs as he tries stepping back but not before Seonghwa pushes him to the ground knowing there was a muddy puddle behind him.

San instinctively grabs Seonghwa's arm when he's about to fall. And because of the muddy forest floor from the storm last night, Seonghwa too slips and they fall into the puddle. Seonghwa on top of San.

San's mouth drops open at the ice cold that shot up his back. He looks at Seonghwa and they both simultaneously burst into laughter. "Yah! Why'd you push me?" He lightly smacks his shoulder.

"Why'd you bring me down with you?" Seonghwa retorts with just as much wit. Then their laughter dies and they're left staring at each other in the quiet of the forest.

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