18. don't offer your wrist

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Clank. Clank. Clank.

The sound of stone making contact with metal echoed around the quiet house and even the surrounding areas as Junkyu continued hammering away at the lock.

It wasn't budging.

He groans in annoyance as the rock slips a little in his hold and scrapes the heel of his palm causing a stinging sensation. He curses under his breath and stands back to re-asses the situation. C'mon think, think. He stares at the glass casing then looks back at the rock in his hand.

He didn't want to resort to shattering the glass because it might do more harm than good but he didn't give himself time to think about it anymore. And so he lifts the rock and brings it down on the coffin as hard as he could.

It only cracks a little so he does it again and again until he bursts a hole in it. He continued breaking away at the glass until he could pull Wooyoung out with no problem. He hastily brushes the glass away from Wooyoung's body, some having left cuts on his face, neck and arms as well as hiding in his dark hair. Junkyu himself gets a couple cuts and peices of small glass in his hand as he brushes the glass shards off of Wooyoung's body.

He dropped the rock and ignored the pain and stinging in his hands then goes to pull out the dagger sticking out of Wooyoung's chest. But then he pauses. What if pulling it out kills him for good? He didn't even know what the dagger was and so he hesitates, his cut up right hand shaking around the hilt.

"Junkyu. Hurry it up!" Jongho's anxious voice from the doorway reminds him they weren't supposed to be there and he needed to be fast.

So he thought fast and decided 'fuck it'. He pulls out the dagger from Wooyoung's chest, half hoping he'd just snap his eyes open but the vampire remains still and unmoving. In a beautiful and serene yet chilling slumber.

Junkyu slips the dagger into the hilt of his belt and reaches in to carry him out bridal style. He cuts his arms along the jagged edge of the glass case he just smashed open. But he winces and keeps pushing. Once Wooyoung was safely in his arms he quickly runs out, forgetting the lantern on the floor and traversing in the dark but somehow he makes it out and on the small deck. He falls to the floor, his weak legs giving out.

Jongho immediately has a relieved look on his face which then quickly shifts to disbelief once he sees the body in the merman's arms. "Wooyo" He drops to the ground as well, pulling Wooyoung's head to his chest for a hug. His eyes stung with tears as he held his icy cold body. A few of the glass in Wooyoung's hair cutting his hand but he didn't even notice, he was too busy holding him tight like he'd disappear if he let go for a second.

He bit down on his lip hard and a tear finally falls as he looks down at his brother's restful face. His skin was pale and ice cold. His long lashes didn't move or flutter. His chapped dry lips, a pale lifeless pink. Jongho held him close and another tear drops onto Wooyoung's cheek.

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