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Some of y'all are about to be real mad at me 😹🏃🏿‍♀️

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Some of y'all are about to be real mad at me 😹🏃🏿‍♀️


They finally get back home and San rushed for a cup of water to wash out the lingering taste of whatever he ate while Seonghwa went around the house giving everyone their requests.

Since everyone was in their respective rooms, Seonghwa blows off the candles in the kitchen and by the time he made his way upstairs San was already in his room. He wanted to say goodnight but didn't wanna come off as clingy so he knocks softly on San's door and whisper shouts a "goodnight" through the door with which San returns it with his own "g'night".

San layed in bed for the next hour, bored and restless. After tumbling about for another 10 minutes he pushes up from the bed and slides the balcony door open.

The night was chilling and unusually quiet. Different from what he was used to for sure. Naex never slept. Literally. Night life sometimes would be much louder than during the day but here was this town where everyone probably knew each other and the nighttime was so quiet because everyone was in their homes getting some rest. He could still see lights littered in buildings and little huts all over but it all added to the serene peace of the environment. It was kind of.. nice.

He felt a dull hunger and swallowed it down. He only had the one blood bag and couldn't drink it yet. Not when he knew he would still be in Boulia for at least another couple days. He had to save it and endure for as long as he could.

He sighs loudly and returns back inside the room then slides the door shut. He really didn't want to climb back in bed and resume staring at the ceiling so he opens his door and saw that the flicker of candle lights from underneath Seonghwa's bedroom door. He couldn't help but smile.

He softly knocks on the door and within seconds it flies open to reveal the tall werewolf. He had a look of surprise on his face once he saw it was San. His oversized top rode low and exposed a dangerous amount of collarbone skin, one that made San nearly stumble over his words.

"S-sorry to bother you. I just couldn't sleep.."

Seonghwa grins softly. "You too?" Then he pushes the door wider inviting San in. Once inside he shuts the door gently so not to wake anyone up.

"I couldn't sleep either so I started reading this new book I bought from the market yesterday." Seonghwa hops on his bed, lifting said book up. It was quite thick with a lot of pages and old aged hard covers.

"What's it about?" San asks, joining him on the bed.

"I'm only like 8 percent of the way in but so far it's about a girl living so many different lives. She lies to everyone she meets and always has this empty unfilled void in her. It hard for her to love or feel loved. I'm just at the part where she meets a guy. Hoping it works out, y'know?" Seonghwa had a genuine look of worry on his face at whether this fictional character would ever be able to find happiness.

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