The Worst Week of the Month

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AN: This is my first story hope you enjoy it. 

Warnings: Mentions of Menstruation, Medication,

Translation: моя любовь = My Love

Age: 15

Word Count: 717

Requests: Open

It had just turned 8 am on Sunday. Natasha was helping Steve set the table for breakfast. She was waiting on you getting up as she knew that you were always one of the first of everyone to wake up.

You knew that if you didn't wake up early on Sunday's then all of Wanda's Chocolate chip pancakes would be gone. One of the downsides of living with 8 people, 10 if Clint and Thor were here.

It had just turned 10 am and there was still no sign of you. Natasha had somehow managed to save 2 pancakes for you. She didn't know how long it would be before you would come down so she decided to go up and check on you taking the plate of pancakes with her. Knowing everyone here so well they would definitely be gone by the time she got back.

Natasha knocked on your door and waited for an answer but there was no response.

"Y/N, I'm coming in," Natasha called out before walking into your bedroom.

She set the plate down on your desk and made her way over to the bed.

You had the covers pulled over your head so she was unsure if you were awake or not.

"Are you awake, моя любовь '?" Natasha asked softly.

"No," you said whilst groaning.

Natasha let out a light chuckle.

"Are you alright, baby? It's not like you to sleep in especially on pancake day." She asks as she gently pulls the covers down from your face.

"Mmm-hmm, it's just that I've got really bad cramps this morning and I don't have the energy to get up," You reply as you rub your eyes trying to adjust to the bright light.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I can't even imagine the pain you're in. Is there anything that I can do for you?" she asks you as she moves the hair out of your face.

"Can you stay with me, Mommy?" You say in a childlike tone.

"Of course I can, baby, give me one second I'm going to get you some medicine and a heating pad."

After what felt like an eternity but in reality was only 5 minutes Natasha returned with everything.

"Sit up, Sweetheart." She said as she sat down next to you and began opening the bottle of painkillers then the water bottle.

It was never a good feeling having to swallow pills but you did it for her since you knew that she wouldn't allow you to suffer in pain especially when there was something that could ease it.

"Good job," Nat said rubbing your back after you swallowed the second and final pill.

You handed her the water bottle as she was putting the cap back on and placed it on your bedside table you lay back down.

Once you got into a comfortable position she gently laid the heating pad on your stomach.

"It won't be long till the medicine kicks in then you'll start to feel better," Nat says as she runs her fingers through your hair before standing up and walking away.

"No, don't leave me. you whined

"I'm not leaving you, baby," she said as she walks back over to you with your laptop in her hand.

you shuffle over to the other side of the bed so she has enough room to lie beside you.

Nat then puts on one of your favourite comfort movies. She has watched this movie countless amount of times with you that she knows all the words off by heart and she knows when the specific scenes are about to play, the ones that make you smile and laugh.

As the movie starts to play Natasha climbs in bed beside you. When she gets in a comfortable position you scotch over to her and snuggle into her.

She wraps her arm around you then pulls you in closer to her side and begins to lightly draw small circles on your arm.

You start to fall asleep feeling the most comfortable that you have felt in days.

You knew that there was nothing that she could do to make your pain go away but her just being there was enough and you were always incredibly grateful that she is here with you no matter what you're going through.

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