Prom Night (Request)

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Warnings: None

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Warnings: None

Age: 16

Word Count: 1,158

Requests: Open

Summary: You got invited to the high school prom by Peter Parker

Requested by: @Superflash2255

Date: 05/08/2022

A/N: Thank you so much for requesting i hope you enjoy it :)


Tonight was the night of your high school prom. You weren't even planning on going but your best friend Peter Parker managed to convince you not only that he asked you to be his date for the night.

Not that you would ever admit it to anyone but you have had a crush on him since you both were little kids.


You were in your room looking through your closet at what to wear but none of your dresses looked right for this occasion.

One dress was too long one dress was too short and one dress your mother would never let leave the house in. You were starting to give up on finding that dress that would be just right.

You closed the closet doors and made your way down the hall to your mother's office, knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in," Natasha shouted from the other side.

When you walked in your mom was sitting at her desk overworking herself with mission reports.

"Hi, sweetheart is everything okay?" Natasha asked not looking up from her laptop.

"Yeah everything is fine," you say sitting down on the chair at the other end of her desk. "I was wondering if I could borrow one of your dresses for tonight?"

Natasha looked up from her laptop at you and smiled. "That's right it's the big night tonight."

You slightly smiles and nodded.

"Are you nervous?"

"No of course I'm not nervous. Why would I be nervous?" You asked

"Well because this is your first school dance and you are going with Peter."

"Why would going with Peter make me nervous he's my best friend after all."

"Right whatever you say Y/N." Natasha chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? Stop laughing."

"No reason sweetheart. Is Wanda still helping you with your makeup?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Natasha nodded. "Go on then you can borrow one of my dresses but you better hurry up and get ready Peter will be here in an hour."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." You quickly stood up, hurried over to your mom kissed her on the cheek and ran out of her office and to her bedroom.


As you were looking through your mom's closet none of her dresses was what you were wanting to wear either.

That one was too short. That one wouldn't fit. That one you were almost positive that it belonged to Wanda. What was that doing in there?

You were close to giving up hope and calling Peter to tell him that you weren't going when you finally found the dress that you were looking for this whole time.

It was a long backless red dress. You can remember that your mom wore this dress to one of Tony's parties and you remembered just how beautiful she looked in it you hoped that you will look even slightly beautiful like her. Red is peter's favourite colour too with makes it even more special.

With dress in hand, you ran back to your room grabbed the only pair of heels that you own then headed to find Wanda


Wanda had finished doing your hair and makeup and you were looking at yourself in the mirror seeing how Wanda styled your hair and you saw your mom's reflection appear as she entered your room.

You turned to look at her and you saw a tear fall from her eye.

"I'm sorry." Natasha quickly wiped the tear away "I just can't believe that my little girl is all grown up."

You walked over to your mom and gave her a tight hug.

"No tears now. don't go ruining my hard work." Wanda chimed in.

You pulled away from your mom and let out a light chuckle "Sorry."

The doorbell rang and a large smile grew on your face.

"Mom, can you keep him busy while I make sure that I have everything and please don't do or say anything that will embarrass me."

"I'll make sure that I only say and do things that will embarrass you."  Natasha chuckles.

You groaned and walked away. You still could hear your mom laughing to herself as she left the room.


You had finished putting all your essential items in your bag and you made your way downstairs.

Then you saw him he was looking as handsome as ever maybe even more in that suit. When he made eye contact with me and smile grew on his face and he held out his hand for you to take.

Peter looked at you completely stunned then he cleared his throat "You look so beautiful."

"Thank you so do you." You quickly shook your head realising what you had just said "Handsome I mean"

"I've got something for you." Peter then gently lifted your left hand and slid a corsage onto your wrist.

"Peter, it's so pretty thank you."

"I asked Mr Stark to get me the rarest one and in return, I have to clean his lab for 2 months but it was definitely worth it especially for getting to see that look on your face."

"On the stairs you two I want to get some pictures." Natasha placed her hands on yours and Peter's back pushing you both over to the stairs then she definitely took over 100 pictures.

After you finally got your mom to stop taking pictures you managed to leave.


Several hours later you got dropped off by one of your friends and you walked into your house feeling the happiest that you've ever felt.

As soon as you closed the door you took off your heels and walked into the living room where your mom and Wanda were waiting for you.

"So I'm guessing it went well considering that you haven't stopped smiling." natasha said

"it was amazing." You sat down on the sofa. "you both are never going to believe what happened me and Peter won prom king and queen and as we were dancing to one of the slow songs he kissed me and afterwards he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend in which I said yes."

"I bet you're glad that you went after all then?" Natasha asked

"Yeah now if you both will excuse me I have had a very eventful night so I'm going to go to bed. I will tell you both everything else that happened tomorrow."

After you had said goodnight to your mom and Wanda you went upstairs to your room.

You went into your bathroom, took as much makeup off as you could, had a quick shower then got changed in the first things that you grabbed which happened to be a pair of shorts and a sports bra then you got into bed. The second your head hit the pillow you couldn't stop thinking about peter and all the wonderful adventures that you both will have now as a couple.

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