First Word (Request)

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Warnings: None 

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Warnings: None 

Age: 8 months 

Word Count: 1,026 

Requests: Closed 

Summary: You had said your first word and you are constantly repeating it 

Requested by: This amazing human  ​ 

A/N: Thank you so much for this request it was just super cute


Natasha and Clint's wife Laura gave birth only a few days apart so Clint has done nothing but brag about how his youngest Son Nathaniel had reached specific milestones quicker than what Natasha's daughter Y/N has.

Both babies were 8 months old and have reached all milestones that you would have expected an 8-month-old to have reached all except talking.

Both of Clint and Laura's older kids had said their first word by 8 months so they, well mostly Clint, knew that Nate would be soon too. Whereas Natasha didn't care about how old her daughter was when she reached them as long as she was safe, happy and healthy that's all that mattered and Natasha knew that Y/N will get there at her own pace.


Both babies were sitting on the floor having a little play date together the three grownups were sitting on the sofa talking among themselves.

"Mama," said one of the babies but the adults were too busy to notice what baby it was that spoke.

"Was that one of them?" Natasha asked.

Clint got down on the floor beside the babies.

"Say mama," Clint said trying to get one of them to repeat it but they both just looked at him like he was crazy and carried on playing.


It was later that night. Clint and Laura were back at home. Laura was trying to get baby Nate ready for bed but Clint was still trying to get him to speak but Nate was having none of it.

Back at the compound, Natasha was getting her daughter ready for bed.

"Goodnight baby, mama loves you so much," Natasha said kissing the little one on the forehead.

"Mama," Y/N said sleepily

A massive smile grew on Natasha's face

"That's right baby, mama,"

"Mama," Y/N repeated.

"Yeah, I'm your mama," Natasha said planting kisses on her daughter's face.

After Natasha had tucked in Y/N she started to sing a Russian lullaby and it didn't take long for Y/N to fall asleep.


The next morning Natasha wasn't sure if Y/N would talk again or that last night was a bit of a fluke.

Natasha checked on the baby monitor and saw that Y/N was awake then she headed to her room

"Good morning, baby girl," Natasha said opening up the curtains.

"Mama." Y/N started whining.

"Come on then let's get you ready for the day. How does that sound?" Natasha asked taking Y/N out of her cot

"Mama," Y/N responded.

"That's what I thought," Natasha said whilst laughing.


Y/N was sitting in her high chair eating a banana and babbling to herself when Wanda walked in.

"Someone is rather chipper today," Wanda said kissing the back of Y/N's head.

"She said her first-word last night," Natasha said handing Y/N another slice of banana. "Can you say, mama?"

"Mama," Y/N said whilst clapping her banana covered hands

"Yay good job Y/N/N" Wanda cheered clapping too.


Throughout the day Natasha was telling everyone that Y/N had said her first word and when it came to telling Clint she wasn't sure how he would react but he was over the moon and he was so proud of his niece.


The next day Natasha had to go to Washington DC to the SHIELD headquarters for a quick debriefing so she left Steve and Tony to look after Y/N.

All-day Y/N had been good for Steve and Tony but she was missing her mama.

"Mama?" Y/N asked.

"Your mama will be home soon, I promise," Steve said gently bouncing her on his hip.

"Mama." She had said again Steve noticed that she eyes had started to get teary.

"I know you miss your mama," Steve said switching you over so you were now resting on his other hip.

All of you sudden Y/N crying.

After 20 minutes of Y/N crying and screaming out for her mama everything that Steve tried to calm her down failed and he had run out of options.

"Give her to me this used to calm Morgan down all the time," Tony said holding out his hands.

Tony carefully tossed Y/N in the air but it just caused her to start screaming even more.

"Nope I'm done," Tony said handing Y/N back to Steve.

"I'll be in the lab if you need me," Tony shouted walking off.

After 10 minutes of Y/N continued to cry Steve decided to try giving her a bottle of milk for the 8th time but this time she had taken it.

Now she was sitting on the floor watching cartoons drinking milk.


"Where's my baby girl?" Natasha called out

"Mama," Y/N said raising her arms up in the air.

"Have you been good for Steve and Tony?" Natasha asked lifting her up and giving her a tight hug then started rocking her back and forth.

"She's been good," Steve said turning off the tv and picking up the bottle. "She did get a bit upset for a while but milk and cartoons calmed her down."

Natasha looked down and saw that her baby had fallen asleep with her head resting on Natasha's shoulder.


It had got later in the week and Y/N had been saying 'mama' nonstop. Even though all the Avengers loved her so much they wished that she would say something else well almost all the Avengers. No matter how many times Y/N said 'mama' it would make Natasha even more proud of her baby.

Steve and Y/N were sitting on the floor playing with toys.

"This is a dog Y/N/N," Steve said showing her the figure of a dog.

"Dog." Y/N copied

"Yeah that's right it's a dog good job." Steve cheered.

Before Natasha could get to her daughter to also praise her Tony got there first.

"Finally a word that isn't mama," Tony said raising Y/N up in the air.

"Mama," Y/N said whilst giggling.

"I did that to myself," Tony said handing Y/N to Natasha and walking back to his lab.

Natasha watched Tony walk away then turn all her attention back to Y/N and began praising her for saying her second word.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now