Don't Worry Mama (Request)

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heyyyyy. Can you make a story which happened in age of ultron specifically in the scene where wanda messed up their head and they went to clint's house. Y/n is nat and steve's secret daughter, about 5yo (nat didn't go through graduation ceremony) and they both know about clint's family as y/n is staying with the bartons. At first y/n is happy to see her parents again and some other time, she notices that her parents mind always off and she asks them what happened. Y/n learned the truth about her parents' past and she comforts them (the fluffiest the better )

Warnings: There's one somewhere but I just haven't found it yet.

Age: 5

Word Count: 1,238

Requests: Open

Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything

Requested by: @FiqVengerz

Date: 03/06/2024

Paring: Natasha and Steve

A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it. The story might not be the best, especially since it's the first time in months that I've written anything but I hope that it's still somewhat good.


The mission had left everyone shaken up from the unpleasant experiences of one of the Maximoff twin's abilities.

The journey to the safe house was spent in silence while everyone sat remembering what they were forced to witness.

After the Quinjet had landed they made the short walk to the house. Tony and Thor were asking questions about what this place was and Steve had his arms around Natasha keeping her upright while they walked.

"Honey, I'm home," Clint called out as he walked in the house and into the living room while the Avengers followed close behind.

A woman appeared who (not making assumptions) looked heavily pregnant from around the corner and made her way over to Clint

While Clint greeted the woman Tony and Thor were all confused about who she was whereas Bruce who just standing off to the side looking awkward and uncomfortable and Steve and Natasha gave off the impression that they somehow already knew who she was.

"Gentleman, this is my wife, Laura," Clint said.

Before anyone could say anything else the sound of running footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer. Two young children came running into the room and a third one followed seconds later.

"Daddy!" the two children shouted and ran over to Clint giving them hugs whereas the other child stood slightly away from them. The young girl looked different from the other two, they both had dark brown hair whereas she had ginger hair.

"Did you bring Mama and Dada?" The young girl asked. She didn't think to look around first because most of the time Clint came home without her parents they had to stay wherever they were to finish completing their tasks before they were allowed to come home.

"Why don't you hug them and find out?" Natasha said moving closer so her secret daughter could see her.

A large smile appeared on the young girl's face as she rushed towards Natasha, who picked her up in her arms and hugged her tightly. Steve came closer to them, put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her cheek.

Tony looked at the three of them even more confused than before. "How did I not know about this? Did anyone else know about this?"


As the sun set and the dark began to take over Natasha was sitting on the bed while Steve was in the bathroom finished helping their daughter get ready for bed. While Natasha was waiting she couldn't stop the horrible memories from replaying over and over in her head of what she was made to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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