Let Me Go Part 2

4.6K 91 9

Warnings: None that I can think of. If there is let me know

Age: 19

Word Count: 553

Requests: Closed.

The Next Day

It had just turned 6 am. You could have slept for longer but you didn't want the extra sleep to mess up your schedule as you were already nervous about the events that were happening today.

You started your day like normal: a quick jog to clear your mind, a training session with your Mom, shower, get ready for the day then breakfast.

Your routine was the same apart from breakfast you went to make yourself some coffee but there was no milk and of course, someone put the empty milk carton back in the fridge instead of throwing it away.  You went to go make some toast but there was no bread and you could have sworn that you bought a new loaf the other day.

You had forgotten what it was like living with so many people living under one roof. As much as you missed your family you didn't miss the sharing.

The afternoon was spent going over everything one last time and by 3 pm hit we were ready.

Everyone went their separate ways to get suited up and collected everything that was needed then afterwards, everyone met up at the platform.

It was now time to travel back in time. Steve even said a speech and it made you wonder just how long he was rehearsing it for.

"Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck" Steve said confidently.

No matter what Steve always believed in everyone which gave you confidence in yourself and that everything was going to be alright and run smoothly.

"See you in a minute," Nat said smiling at Steve. Little did they know...

Everyone entered the Quantum Realm and all went your separate ways to different time zone.


You were travelling through space in a spaceship that was shrunken down so it could be brought with you through the Quantum Realm.

You and Nat were dropping Rhodey and Nebula off at a planet called Morag first before the both of you headed to Vormir.

You and Nat got back in the spaceship and made your way to Vormir.

You spent this time just chatting with your Mom. She loves listening to your stories.

After Nat landed the ship and you both left got off it you looked up and saw that there was a massive mountain that you both had to climb. You were definitely not prepared for that.

"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain," You said out of breath. At this moment in time, you very much regretted not sleeping in a few extra hours you definitely need it.

"Technically he's not a raccoon, you know," Nat said as she stopped waiting on you to catch up with her before putting her hand on your back to give you an extra push.

"Whatever, he eats garbage," You said as you focused on the path being extremely careful that you don't slip.

Natasha didn't say anything else she just let out a light laugh.

"Welcome," A voice said that startled us causing us to quickly pull out our guns pointing them at whatever it was that just welcomed us.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan.  Y/N, Daughter of Natasha." The voice said to us in an oddly calming way.

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