I Miss Her Part 2

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Warnings: Any let me know.

Age: 16

Word Count: 2205

Requests: Closed

Summary: Meeting your family who wasn't aware that you existed

Date: 08/05/2022

A/N: It wouldn't be a series written by me if you weren't expecting to wait decades for the next part to be released.

Tags for part 2 Noahspace itshayden20 Miaxnatasha Forever-fearful wandzxfur 


"Mom?" You shouted when you heard the whistle

A blonde woman came rushing over to you and looked disappointed when she approached you.

"How do you know that whistle?" The woman had a strong Russian accent.

"My mom taught me it when I was little. it's our secret signal." You pointed over to the headstone.

You moved out the way for the woman to properly see the stone and she kneeled down in front of it.

"Natasha's your mother?"

"Yeah, she rescued me when I was little then she fully adopted me like four years ago." You informed her

"Wait who are you?" It wasn't new to you when random strangers came over to your mom's grave to pay their respects, especially after all the times that she saved the world but there was something different about this woman.

"Natasha's sister."


"How do you..." She began to say

"She told me stories about her childhood, the happy ones. She said that one day she would take me to meet her other family."

"What's your name?" She asked

"It's Y/N"

Before Yelena could say anything else a dog then came running over to Yelena and sat beside her.

"Good girl," Yelena said as stretched the back of the dog's neck.

"Can I pet her?"


You keeled down to the dog's level and you held out your hand so she could sniff it.

She started to lick your hand and you took that as an invitation that you could not pet her.

After you gave her a few scratches on the ear you wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug. She just sat there and let you hug her. She must have somehow sensed that you were sad.

You only hugged the dog for a few seconds as you didn't want her to get annoyed then you went back to giving her scratches.

"Where are you gonna go?" Yelena asked as she started stroking her dog back."

"Well, I don't really have anywhere to go back to so I guess anywhere." You responded.

"You can stay with me if you want, I've got an extra room and that way you won't be alone.

"No, it's okay, I don't want to be a problem,"

"You're not, you're family. Come on my car is over there I'll take you home to get some of your things first."

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