Please Forgive Me (Request)

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Warning: mentions of hospitals, IV Drip, guns, death.

Age: 16

Word Count: 2,724

Requests: Closed.


After getting in a fight with your Mom just before you were to leave to go on a mission and saying something that you wished you hadn't now you don't know if you'll ever see her again.

Requested By: Jordan_Romanofff

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Requested By: Jordan_Romanofff


Fury had assigned you to go on a mission with Steve. This was the first time that you were going on a mission with one other person. Normally you would go with all the Avengers and your Mom would be right there watching your every move.

Your mission was to go to an old HYDRA base somewhere in Canada and seek out any information of what they could be up to.  You and the Avengers had cleared the place of HYDRA soldiers days ago but didn't have time to collect anything.  You and Steve were to leave early tomorrow morning.


After the meeting was finished I made my way down to the training room. I wanted to do some target practice. Even though I were already confident with a gun there was always room for improvement.

Just as I was about to put the noise cancellation headphones on the door of the training room slammed shut which startled me slightly.

I looked over at the door and saw that mom was walking over and oh boy she didn't look happy.

"Hey, Mom," I said as I went to put the headphones on but she grabbed them out of my hand and threw them on the table.

"Don't hey, Mom, me, Y/N. What do you think you're doing?" She demanded.

"Um, target practice," I said sarcastically but instantly regretted it the moment I said it.

"Don't get smart with me, young lady, I'm talking about you accepting that mission." Her tone was getting angrier.

"God, Mom, do you even know what the mission is? Cause I'm sure if you did then you would know fine well that I'm perfectly capable of doing it." I argued back at her.

"And Steve is going to be there too so it's not like I'm going on my own. Don't you trust Steve?" I added.

"I don't care if Steve is going to be there you are not old or responsible enough to go on a two-person mission." She Yelled.

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