Baby Troubles (Request)

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Warnings:  The baby is the warning, especially since its  a crying baby

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Warnings: The baby is the warning, especially since its  a crying baby

Age: Newborn

Word Count: 1,098

Requests: Open

Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything

Requested by: Tumblr User

Date: 18/03/2024

paring: N/A

A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it.


During a mission there was a newborn baby abandoned in one of the warehouses and the Avengers knew that they couldn't just leave her.

They finished the mission and brought the baby home. A long discussion was made about what to do with the baby and it was decided that they were going to take her to a local orphanage that was until someone who they never expected to speak up and offered to raise the baby.

Natasha walked over and gently took the newborn baby out of Steve's arms.

Natasha has always wanted to be a mom but she never thought that she would actually become one.

After a lot of thinking and going through a long long list of baby names Natasha finally found the perfect one. She named the baby Y/N.

For the first week, baby Y/N was the most perfect baby ever. She hardly ever cried and slept wonderfully. Natasha never thought a baby could be this calm

That was until week two came along then baby Y/N's health drastically went downhill.

Baby Y/N went from hardly crying to crying what felt like all day. Nothing that Natasha tried seemed to be working. Steve offered to take the baby to the doctor so Natasha could get some sleep he knew that it's been days since she'd had any sleep mainly because he had stayed up with her.

Steve came back from the doctor and told Natasha that the baby had colic. Steve explained that colic was when a baby cries for no reason. He also said to Natasha that the doctor has scheduled an allergy appointment in case it's caused by a milk allergy.

The allergy test came back negative so the only thing that could be done was to let the colic pass on its own.

A week passed and things weren't getting any better after another doctor's visit all the doctors said that it was normal.


It was nearly 3 in the morning and Natasha was exhausted and could not handle the crying anymore. She was walking around her bedroom gently rocking the baby.

"Please stop crying." She said on the verge of tears herself.

The door opened and Clint walked in.

"Still no improvements?" He asked.

"No." Natasha sighed as she gently placed the crying baby in the cot hoping that she would tire herself out and fall asleep.

Clint could see that she was not okay. "Want me to take care of her so you can have a nap you can sleep in my room." He offered kindly.

She gave a weak smile, "Thank you, Clint."

She left the room and went into Clint's room. She had set an alarm for 30 minutes as she knew that Clint had to get home to his wife and kids. She honestly had no idea how Clint's wife Laura could handle three kids all by herself especially when the youngest was barely four months old.


Things were getting a little better baby Y/N was still crying but it wasn't as much as the last week but Natasha was the most exhausted she'd ever been.

She was sitting on the couch feeding the baby and she could barely keep her eyes open. She ended up falling asleep completely unaware of what was happening to the baby in her arms.

The Avengers had just come back from a mission. They walked into the living room to find baby Y/N alone screaming in the baby bouncer and Natasha was nowhere in sight.

"Natasha?" Steve called out as he carefully picked the baby up and looked around for her

They found her lying on the floor curled up in a ball crying

"What happened?" Clint asked as he kneeled beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I dropped her." she sniffed. "I fell asleep on the couch holding her and when I woke up she was on the floor."

Clint helped Natasha up off the floor and led her to the couch.

Bruce walked over and started checking the baby to make sure that she was okay. "She's fine Natasha babies are tougher than you think."

Steve tried to hand the baby back to Natasha but she turned away from him "No, I don't want to hurt her again." she said.

"You won't," Bruce assured her.

The rest of the Avengers stayed silent in case what they said would make the situation worse

"You're just stressed and overwhelmed right now." Clint urged her to take the baby again. "She needs her mom."

"I can't be her mom I'm not good enough just take her back to the orphanage shell be better off with other parents," Natasha said.

"That's not true," Bruce said, his tone gentle


"It is though." She said and tried to stand up.

Clint stopped her and took her back down to the couch. "You are a wonderful mother. You're just stressed right now. We all saw how much you adored the baby before she got colic and it won't last forever."

"You don't know that." She said bitterly.

"I do all of my kids have had it and they eventually got over it and they're just fine," Clint told her.

"And in time the same will happen to Y/N and she will be that happy baby you knew before. Trust us Natasha we wouldn't lie to you." Bruce said chiming in.

Natasha took a deep breath and looked up at everyone's faces. She knew there was a part of her that agreed with them but right now she couldn't see that it would get better. It felt like things had just kept getting worse.

But she knew she needed to trust her friends. They hadn't lied to her so far, and she had no reason to think they would start now.

"Okay." She said with a sad smile. "I'll keep trying."

Natasha gently took the finally sleeping baby from Steve being very careful not to wake her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You dont have to do this alone Nat we'll all step in to help," Steve reassured her.

"Thank you," Natasha said looking around and smiling at her friends.


It took quite a while for baby Y/N to finally get ever the Colic but when she did she became the happy and calm baby that she was before. Everyone was happy especially Natasha that the constant crying had finally stopped but what they weren't prepared for was when Y/N became a toddler and just how much of a handful this tiny human would become. 

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